Students for Life event
At 12:15 tomarrow in the AB lobby, there'll be a prayer service of types, espeically for Terri, as the 11th Circut court has denied to have her feeding tube re-inserted. Please join if you can!
This is the offical blog for the College Republicans at Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, MI.
Official Mission Statement
It is the purpose and goal of the AQ Republicans to educate and involve its members in the Republican Party, raise political awareness on campus and promote the ideals of the Republican Party as well as to support other organizations that seek to promote the Republican form of government.
At 12:15 tomarrow in the AB lobby, there'll be a prayer service of types, espeically for Terri, as the 11th Circut court has denied to have her feeding tube re-inserted. Please join if you can!
----- Forwarded message from -----
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 18:39:21 -0500
From: MIGOP Info <>
Reply-To: MIGOP Info <>
Subject: Great Editorial.....please forward to everyone on your list!!!
To: "" <>
This is a great editorial that should be emailed and distributed to every Republican and any potential Granholm contributor.
Michigan Is for Taxers
March 23, 2005; Page A14
Has Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm hired Jacques Chirac as her new economic adviser?
Among the 50 states, Michigan ranks dead last in new jobs last year (losing 45,000), and near the bottom in income growth. So it's no surprise that Ms. Granholm is seeking a new formula for growth and prosperity. But the Democratic Governor is touting a new taxing scheme for Michigan that looks a lot like the industrial policy model of Old Europe, where economically omniscient governments try to pick business winners and losers -- and usually make a mess of it.
The "revenue neutral" tax plan would give tax breaks to Michigan's big three automakers and other heavy manufacturers, while shifting the burden to retailers, wholesalers, banks, insurance companies, professional services and thousands of small businesses. Some in Michigan are dubbing the Granholm Plan the shift-and-shaft tax policy. And that's why its political reception so far has been as frosty as a damp wintry breeze off Lake Michigan.
Ms. Granholm is right about the need to chop the corporate tax load in Michigan. The Tax Foundation reports that the state has the highest corporate tax burden in the nation, a fact that isn't helping General Motors as it copes with declining market share and fierce competition from the likes of Toyota. Hillsdale College economist Gary Wolfstram finds that, despite the high tax rates, Michigan was only one of two states to actually lose tax revenues in Fiscal Year 2004. The Midwestern state is a glittering example of how high tax rates can unbalance a state budget.
Compounding the problem is that Michigan is the only state to levy a de facto value added tax on its businesses. (That's another similarity to Old Europe.) Called the Single Business Tax (SBT), this levy is applied to production. This means that any company that loses money or just manages to break even still often pays a hefty sum to the tax man just for the privilege of operating in Michigan. Hence, many don't.
The Granholm plan would cut the business VAT tax rate and provide a personal property tax credit for manufacturers. If only she had stopped there. Instead, in deference to the gods of "revenue neutrality," her plan triples the tax on profits, doubles insurance taxes, and arguably violates Proposal A, the state's constitutionally required inflation cap, by effectively raising property tax assessments on commercial real estate.
Actually, her plan is a stealth tax hike because the tax base she uses was 2001 when revenues were severely depressed due to recession and the aftermath of 9/11. In non-recessionary times, the plan may in reality amount to a $100 million tax hike.
The full article is located at:,,SB111153958769787116,00.html
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| Paid for by the Michigan Republican State Committee with |
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Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 10:24:07 -0500
From: Priests for Life <>
Reply-To: Priests for Life <>
Subject: Priests for Life Newsletter - March/April 05
March 23, 2005
Dear Friends,
The announcement below is being sent to media throughout the country today, and I want you to be among the first to hear the
good news. Then, after that announcement, you will find the text of our current Priests for Life newsletter.
Please let me know what you think and how you may be able to help! Let us rejoice and do the work that has to be done!
Best regards,
Fr. Frank Pavone
News Release
Contact: Jerry Horn (540) 220-0095
March 23, 2005
Pro-Life Society of Priests Announced by Fr. Pavone and Bishop Yanta
March 23, 2005, Amarillo, Texas. Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, officially announced today that he is
founding a pro-life community dedicated to the formation and training of priests, deacons, brothers and seminarians who will
devote themselves fully to the proclamation of the Gospel of Life. This initiative will be based in the diocese of Amarillo,
Texas, under the authority and stewardship of Bishop John W. Yanta.
"It has been a dream of mine for over a decade to form a community that can accept seminarians who want to devote their
entire ministry to the defense of the unborn," said Fr. Pavone. "While there are religious communities that give special
emphasis to the right to life, the Church has no institutional society of men whose exclusive focus is to protect innocent
human life from the tragedy of abortion and euthanasia. It is time for such a community. I am grateful to Bishop Yanta for
allowing me the opportunity to make this dream a reality."
Bishop Yanta, who has served on the Priests for Life Episcopal Board of Advisors since 1998, and who has been particularly
devoted to the pro-life cause throughout his priesthood, has already offered several buildings in his diocese that will serve as
the center for the new apostolate. "I am excited about supporting Fr. Pavone in venturing forth, with and through the Holy
Spirit, in the establishment of a Society of Apostolic Life for priests and seminarians dedicated to pro-life ministry - an
immense need at this time in history," said Bishop Yanta today. "The Lord has provided several vacant buildings that once
served as a Christian Brothers High School with boarding facilities, a chapel, gym, and spacious grounds. The Diocese of
Amarillo is happy to make these available (at no cost) to Priests for Life and the proposed Society of Apostolic Life."
This society of apostolic life, while drawing on the spirit and mission of the Priests for Life organization, will be a completely
separate entity, known as Missionaries of the Gospel of Life. Priests for Life will continue to exist as an association of the
Christian faithful under Canon Law, and Fr. Pavone will continue to serve as its National Director. In order to initiate the
historic formation of this pro-life community of priests, deacons, brothers and seminarians, Fr. Pavone has officially become a
priest of the Diocese of Amarillo, and will begin assembling a formation team for the community. Priests for Life is also in the
process of establishing a headquarters in the diocese, but will continue to maintain its current offices and staff in New York,
Washington D.C., Virginia, California, and Rome, Italy.
"This is a pivotal moment in time," said Fr. Pavone. "Throughout the history of the Church, God has intervened in times of
great moral crisis and has raised up within His Church the charisms necessary to address those crises. I have long been
convinced that God is raising up numerous disciples ready to devote their entire lives to ending the tragedy of abortion, which
the bishops have identified as the fundamental human rights issue of our day. I have no doubt that we will see a tremendous
and immediate response to this initiative."
Fr. Pavone announced that men considering joining this community can attend a discernment retreat he will conduct on June
24-26 in Amarillo. There will also be a seminarians pro-life conference in Newark, NJ from August 16-21, during which Fr.
Pavone will also discuss the new community. Those interested in the community may contact
Bishops from around the world praised the historic effort.
From Denver, Colorado, Archbishop Charles J. Chaput said: "Under Father Frank Pavones leadership, Priests for Life has
been a tireless and important national voice defending the sanctity of human life. In supporting Fr. Pavones new initiative,
Bishop Yanta and the people of the Diocese of Amarillo are offering a vital service to Catholics throughout the United States."
From St. Louis, Missouri, Archbishop Raymond L. Burke said: "I have received with great joy the news of the foundation of
a priestly society of apostolic life dedicated to the apostolate of the respect for human life. In every time period, the Holy Spirit
has inspired founders of institutes of the consecrated life and societies of apostolic life, so that the spiritual needs of the Church
and world might be more fully addressed. Surely, there is a great need in our time for a priestly society dedicated to the
conversion of our culture of death and the promotion of a civilization of life. The work of the Priests for Life and its National
Director, Father Frank Pavone, has surely prepared the way for the timely foundation of the priestly society of apostolic life. I
commend Bishop John W. Yanta for his pastoral vision and generosity in inviting Father Pavone to make the new foundation
in the Diocese of Amarillo. I pray that God will bless abundantly Bishop Yanta, Father Pavone and the new foundation."
From Phoenix, Arizona, Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted praised Priests for Life: "[This organization] has offered a courageous
and articulate proclamation of the Gospel of Life for a number of years. While standing strong in the defense of every human
life, it has offered persuasive reasons for respecting the dignity of each person, especially the most vulnerable and innocent
among us."
From Rome, Cardinal Renato Martino, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, said: "In todays world, the
idea of a new religious community founded for the purpose of working to protect human life may seem like a sign of
contradiction - but it may just be what the world of today needs! The call to protect life is not only a foundation of our faith as
Catholics, but it is the very basis of our recognition of human rights and the right to life. The human dignity with which we
have been endowed by God binds us together as members of the one family."
More information about the Pro-Life Society of Priests can be found on our website at
Priests for Life Newsletter
Volume 15, Number 2
March-April 2005
Can you make a gift to enable us to send this newsletter to every priest in your diocese? Call Jerry at (718) 980-4400
Prayer Intentions
You are encouraged to remember the following intentions as you pray the Liturgy of the Hours:
March intention: That vacancies on our nation's courts may be filled with strong pro-life judges.
April intention: That youth leaders have the courage and creativity to speak about abortion.
Priests for Life Advisory Board of Bishops
His Eminence Alfonso Cardinal Lopez-Trujillo
President, Pontifical Council for the Family
His Eminence Renato Cardinal Martino
President, Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace
Most Rev. John F. Donoghue
Archbishop of Atlanta
Most Rev. Charles J. Chaput OFM Cap.
Archbishop of Denver
Most Rev. Edwin F. O'Brien
Archbishop of Military Services
Most Rev. John J. Myers
Archbishop of Newark
Most Rev. John W. Yanta
Bishop of Amarillo
Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmsted
Bishop of Phoenix
Most Rev. Ronald M. Gilmore
Bishop of Dodge City
Most Rev. Sam G. Jacobs
Bishop of Houma-Thibodaux
Most Rev. Emilio S. Allue
Auxiliary Bishop of Boston
Most Rev. Rene H. Gracida
Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi
Most Rev. Paul V. Donovan
Bishop Emeritus of Kalamazoo
Most Rev. James D. Niedergeses
Bishop Emeritus of Nashville
Most Rev. James C. Timlin
Bishop Emeritus of Scranton
Most Rev. James S. Sullivan
Bishop Emeritus of Fargo
Most Rev. Francis A. Quinn
Bishop Emeritus of Sacramento
Most Rev. Albert H. Ottenweller
Bishop Emeritus of Steubenville
Most Reverend Juan Fremiot Torres
Bishop of Ponce
Most Reverend John Quinn Weitzel
Bishop of Samoa Pago Pago
Priests for Life Prayer Cards
Order the Priests for Life daily prayer of commitment to end abortion. Available in quantities of 25...excellent for pro-life
events, parishes, schools.
Priests for Life Mass Cards
Friends and loved ones who have died will be remembered in the prayers and Masses of Priests for Life. Our new Mass cards
are available free of charge. You may send in your offering for each enrollment when you use it.
Order Form for Prayer Cards and Mass Cards
Please mail your order to: Priests for Life P.O. Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314
Or fax it to (718) 980-3900 or Email:
Name: ___________________________________
Address: _________________________________
City: ____________________________________
State/Zip: ________________________________
Phone: __________________________________
Email: __________________________________
__I have made my check payable to: Priests for Life.
__I have donated online at
__Please charge my contribution to my credit card:
Card Type:_______________________________
Card #:__________________________________ Exp:____/_____
Prayer to End Abortion prayer cards: product #1670
Quantity ____25; ____50; ____75;____100; _____other (increments of 25)
@ $.10 Each for total $______
Mass Cards: product #1708
Quantity_______ (Free)
Additional Donation $__________
Total Donation $___________
Coming to your Community...
At the invitation of the local diocese, or of individual parishes or pro-life groups on a national, state, or local level, Priests for
Life is ready to come to your community to inspire and instruct those who work to defend life against abortion. Because we
maintain regular contact with all pro-life groups, we are ready to bring updates on pro-life strategy and projects that are turning
the tide on abortion throughout our land.
In addition to our 45 lay staff, Priests for Life is blessed to have a Speakers' Bureau of priests, deacons, and other lay experts.
Among the speakers are our four full-time priests on staff: Fr. Peter West, Fr. Denis G. Wilde, OSA, Fr. Walter Quinn, OSA,
and Fr. Frank Pavone.
Our pastoral associates Jim Pinto and Dr. Paul Schenck, also serve the organization, bringing to our Speakers' Bureau a wealth
of experience in pro-life activism and pastoral ministry prior to their joining the Catholic Church.
Paul was raised Jewish. He became a Christian and served for 22 years as a priest in the Anglican tradition. His pro-life
activism brought him all the way to the Supreme Court in the case Schenck vs. Pro-Choice network, which was decided in his
favor in 1997. In 2004, Paul was received into the Catholic Church by Fr. Frank Pavone.
Jim Pinto served as a priest in the Anglican Tradition for over 20 years and entered into full communion with the Roman
Catholic Church in 2003. He is recognized nationally as an advocate for the poor, for racial reconciliation, and for the right to
The Speakers' Bureau also includes our Pastoral Associates Dr. Theresa Burke and her husband Kevin, Dr. Alveda King, the
niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and our Associate Director Janet Morana.
We also have other priests and deacons who are available for speaking on a part time basis.
We are ready to visit your community for a wide range of activities.
We offer seminars for the clergy, both Catholic and Protestant, on how to handle the abortion issue in preaching, counseling,
and parish activities. We conduct training sessions for lay people who want to become active in the pro-life movement, or who
have been active but are looking for new ideas and motivation.
We speak at pro-life conferences, address students in their schools and youth groups, give retreats, pray at abortion facilities,
and conduct parish weekends which include preaching at all the Sunday Masses. We are also glad to offer individual
consultation for the development of pro-life strategies and activities in compliance with the Bishops' Pastoral Plan for Pro-life
When we travel to an area, we want that to be the beginning of a fruitful relationship of pro-life encouragement and activity.
We are one movement across the United States, and we want to work with you and your community on an ongoing basis.
When we are in your area, we want to get to know as many people as possible, and help them to get to know us, our activities
and initiatives.
And aside from travel expenses, we have no required stipend!
A partial listing of the travel schedules of our priests can be found on our web site at
Our hallmarks are availability and flexibility. We want to do whatever you need us to do! To inquire about the availability of a
Priests for Life priest, contact our Travel Office at PO Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314; Tel: 888-PFL-3448 ext. 258;
718-980-4400 ext. 258; Travel Dept. Fax: 603-908-3075; email:
Terri Schiavo
[Note: By the time this newsletter goes to print, we do not know what Terri Schiavo's situation will be. Whatever it is, however,
her life provides a critical test for society -- a test we cannot afford to fail.]
She is not dying. She is not in a coma. She is not alone, but rather has loving parents and siblings ready to care for her for the
rest of her life. She has not requested death.
Yet a battle rages regarding whether Terri Schiavo should be starved. She has sustained brain injuries and cannot speak or eat
normally. Nevertheless, the only tube attached to her is a small, simple, painless feeding tube that provides her nourishment
directly to her digestive system.
Her legal guardian is her husband, who already has another woman -- by whom he also has children. He wants Terri's feeding
tube removed. Of course, he could simply allow her to be cared for by her parents and siblings, and get on with his life, but he
On February 6, Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, visited Terri Schiavo for the second time, spoke with
her and prayed with her. He found her "wide awake, alert, aware, and responsive." At various times in the visit she tried to
vocalize responses, but otherwise communicated with her eyes and her smile, and by returning the kisses of her parents.
Terri is not dying. This is not a matter of "letting her go," because she isn't "going" anywhere. If, however, she is deprived of
nourishment, then she would slowly die in the same way that any of us would slowly die if we were deprived of nourishment.
It is called starvation.
If the courts permit that to happen, then why should that permission apply only in Terri's case? And where does the state get
the authority to starve people?
For more information on this crucial case, visit our website, If you want educational cards on Terri's
situation, contact our orders department at, or by calling 888-PFL-3448, ext. 237, or by writing
Orders Department, Priests for Life, PO Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314.
The Constitution of the United States places the responsibility for writing laws in the hands of elected lawmakers. These men
and women serve in the State legislatures and in the United States Congress. They are accountable to the voters who put them
into office and who can remove them from office. They are to represent the voters as they craft and pass legislation that
represents the will of the people.
Meanwhile, however, key aspects of public policy that contradict the will of the majority of Americans have, over the last
several decades, been imposed upon us by another branch of government, the Judiciary. Unelected Federal judges, who are not
accountable to voters and who serve for life, have given us policies that ban prayer and Bible-reading in public schools, that
allow abortion-on-demand throughout pregnancy, and that remove more and more moral boundaries to perverse sexual
In the Elections of 2004, many voters made their choice for President and for their US Senators based on their view of the
proper role of judges, namely, to apply the law rather than write their own opinions into law. Now, the President and the US
Senate have a joint, solemn obligation to fill the many vacancies in the Federal judiciary. The President presents nominees; the
Senate votes to confirm them by a simple majority.
In the past four years, we have seen an unprecendented and unconstitutional effort by pro-abortion Democrats in the Senate to
block well-qualified nominees who enjoyed the support of the majority of the Senators. The blocking was done by filibuster --
that is, a technique of prolonging debate indefinitely, and hence preventing a final vote. The filibuster is a tool that can be used
to block legislation, but here it is being used to block judicial nominees. Meanwhile, many courts remain vacant. The motive
for these filibusters has been that many of these nominees are considered too religious and too pro-life.
Now the question is whether we will see the same behavior in this new Congress, especially with the prospect of Supreme
Court vacancies on the horizon, and whether the Senate will act to prevent the filibusters. Contact your US Senators and
demand that the Senate prevent the filibusters of judicial nominees. Tell your Senator you want to see an up-or-down vote on
each of the President's nominees, without anti-religious bias. If a Senator opposes a nominee of the President, then let the
Senator vote against that nominee. Let those who favor the nominee vote in favor. The point is, let there be a vote, and let the
process work like the Constitution says it should.
Happy Anniversary, Evangelium Vitae!
This year marks the tenth anniversary of one of the most important documents Pope John Paul II has ever written. "The Gospel
of Life" ("Evangelium Vitae") is an "encyclical letter" (meaning it is a letter of high authority sent around the world by the
Pope), and presents the Church's answer to the question, "Why is life good, why is it sacred, why should it be protected in
every circumstance?"
Priests for Life is preparing educational materials that you can use throughout the year to deepen your understanding of this
historic document. For more information about these materials, or for copies of the encyclical itself, contact our Orders
department, or by calling 888-PFL-3448, ext. 237, or by writing Orders Department, Priests for Life,
PO Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314.
Gearing up for Commencement!
Over a million children per grade level throughout the nation would have been with us had they not been killed by abortion.
Over a million members of each graduating class this year have been legally destroyed. Priests for Life asks, therefore, that
each school yearbook and graduation ceremony include a remembrance of those who would have been graduating had they not
been aborted.
A sample entry in a school yearbook could say the following: "In prayerful remembrance of our fellow students who have been
lost from abortion...We do not condemn those who felt they had to do this; rather, we weep with them now...and we pray for
the day when the most frail and vulnerable lives will enjoy the same protections the rest of us do."
In the graduation ceremony, an empty chair or a lit candle, or a cap and diploma resting by themselves can stand as a reminder
of these students, and the words above can be spoken to explain the significance of these symbols.
Please, do something. How can we explain it if we forget or ignore these children?
Alveda King joins Priests for Life Staff
Dr. Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., has become a Pastoral Associate of Priests for Life. A pro-life advocate as
well as a civil rights advocate, Dr. King will head up the Priests for Life Office of African American Outreach. She will be
available for speaking engagements in parishes, schools, and pro-life events as a member of the Priests for Life Speakers
She also participates in the Silent No More Awareness Campaign (a project of Priests for Life and NOEL), through which she
speaks about her own two abortions and how the Lord Jesus Christ has brought her forgiveness and healing. Alveda has stood
with the Silent No More Awareness Campaign in Washington, DC and elsewhere at gatherings in which the women hold signs
that say "I Regret My Abortion."
On her website,, Alveda declares that like her uncle, she too has a dream about equality. But she asks,
"How can the dream survive if we murder the children?"
Priests for Life Clergy Seminar
Washington, DC
April 12-13, 2005
If you are a priest, deacon, or lay pastoral leader, we want you to know about the "Washington DC Briefing" that we are
privileged to co-sponsor on Tuesday April 12 and Wednesday April 13 in our nation's capitol.
The National Pro-life Religious Council and Priests for Life are teaming up with Wallbuilders, , to co-
sponsor this inspiring briefing. Under the expert guidance of David Barton, President of Wallbuilders, you will get a "Spiritual
Tour of the Capitol" on Tuesday evening. You will learn things you never knew about the Christian convictions of our
Founders, see some of the their original letters, and learn how much the very foundations of our nation are rooted in the
Then, on Wednesday, you will hear from members of the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House. They
will talk about the issues of the day, but more importantly, they will talk about how they live out their Biblical convictions as
they handle the issues of the day.
When you read the newspaper or watch television, you only see a small fraction of the men and women who serve in
Washington. You will leave this briefing greatly inspired to know how many men and women of faith are there, living and
spreading the Gospel of Christ.
These briefings are held by invitation, and space is limited. If you are interested in receiving an invitation, call our office today
at 1-888-735-3448 and ask for John at extension 297. Alternately, you can email or fax 413-803-0073.
You can also go to and click on "Pastors' Briefings" under "Upcoming Events." Find the April 12-13
event and request an invitation. Please join us!
This newsletter can be found online at
Remember to support our work at
Contact Priests for Life at PO Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314; Tel: 888-PFL-3448, 718-980-4400; Fax: 718-980-6515;
email:; web:
----- End forwarded message -----
FROM: Chairman Ken Mehlman
RE: Latest Trends in the Social
Security Debate
DATE: March 22, 2005
As the President and Congress have debated Social Security reform over the
past couple of months, certain trends have emerged. Americans have learned more
about the problems facing the current system, and thus, are more likely to
recognize the need for changes in the future, including Personal Retirement
Accounts. The following points are clear:
First, more people have come to understand the structural problems
facing Social Security's solvency over the last two months, and thus, the issue
has become more important to them. The latest Gallup poll shows that
Americans think Social Security is now the most important domestic issue. At
12%, Social Security has increased by 8% since January and is a greater concern
than the economy (10%), health care (9%), or terrorism (9%).
The increased importance of Social Security is confirmed by several other
polls. This week's Battleground 2006 poll found Social Security (17%) as the
"number one problem for the President and Congress to deal with." Also a recent
Harris poll found 37% of Americans think Social Security is the most important
issue for the government to address, an increase of 33% from last October when
just 4% thought it was the most important issue.
Second, more Americans agree that Social Security needs
strengthening. According to the recent ABC News/Washington Post poll,
72% of Americans think the Social Security system is headed down the road to a
crisis or will require major changes in order to head of a crisis. Even seniors
believe that changes are necessary to Social Security: a recent Ayres McHenry
poll found 66% of Americans over age 55 believe that Social Security needs
changes. A recent Gallup poll even found a majority of Americans (51%) believe
that it is necessary for Congress to pass legislation to make changes to Social
Security this year.
In the past few years, according to polls conducted by the Tarrance Group,
more and more Americans think the Social Security system needs major changes:
Poll | Date | Major Changes | Modest Changes | Minor Adjustment | No Change |
Tarrance Group | 1/10-13/05 | 53% | 31% | 12% | 1% |
Tarrance Group | 1/17-21/02 | 37% | 33% | 9% | 19% |
Support for Personal Retirement Accounts has
increased. According to a recent ABC News/Washington Post poll,
fifty-six percent (56%) of Americans support allowing workers to invest some of
their Social Security contributions in the stock market, while 41% oppose such
an idea. The number of Americans who support PRAs has increased by a net of 6%
since last December, when 53% supported the plan and 44% opposed it. This is the
highest level of support for PRAs since the Post first asked the question in
Those eligible for Personal Retirement Accounts see benefits from
them. According to a recent Pew poll, among those eligible for
Personal Retirement Accounts, 56% believe investment would bring higher
benefits; just 12% predict lower benefits and 55% would invest if given choice.
Once PRAs are explained, a majority of Americans support them. According to the
Democracy Corps poll, 40% of Americans support PRAs before they are explained,
while 51% oppose them. However, after a plan for voluntary personal retirement
accounts is explained, support rises to 54%, while 45% remain opposed.
Finally, as Americans follow the Social Security Debate, they
trust President Bush more than Democrats to find a solution.
According to recent polls by the Winston Group and NPR, President leads
Democrats on who offers better ideas and who is working on a bipartisan basis.
Bush Advantage | Winston Group | NPR |
Who is willing to work with both political parties to find a solution? | +16 | +18 |
Is offering the right kind of ideas? | +8 | +6 |
Who do you trust to make the right kinds of changes? | +7 | +8 |
Here to Unsubscribe
----- Forwarded message from -----
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 12:15:39 -0500 (EST)
From: "Ken Mehlman, RNC Chairman" <>
Reply-To: "Ken Mehlman, RNC Chairman" <>
Subject: RNC Memo: Polling Trends In Social Security
FROM: Chairman Ken Mehlman
RE: Latest Trends in the Social Security Debate
DATE: March 22, 2005
As the President and Congress have debated Social Security reform over the past couple of months, certain trends have emerged. Americans have learned more about the problems facing the current system, and thus, are more likely to recognize the need for changes in the future, including Personal Retirement Accounts. The following points are clear:
First, more people have come to understand the structural problems facing Social Security's solvency over the last two months, and thus, the issue has become more important to them. The latest Gallup poll shows that Americans think Social Security is now the most important domestic issue. At 12%, Social Security has increased by 8% since January and is a greater concern than the economy (10%), health care (9%), or terrorism (9%).
The increased importance of Social Security is confirmed by several other polls. This week's Battleground 2006 poll found Social Security (17%) as the "number one problem for the President and Congress to deal with." Also a recent Harris poll found 37% of Americans think Social Security is the most important issue for the government to address, an increase of 33% from last October when just 4% thought it was the most important issue.
Second, more Americans agree that Social Security needs strengthening. According to the recent ABC News/Washington Post poll, 72% of Americans think the Social Security system is headed down the road to a crisis or will require major changes in order to head of a crisis. Even seniors believe that changes are necessary to Social Security: a recent Ayres McHenry poll found 66% of Americans over age 55 believe that Social Security needs changes. A recent Gallup poll even found a majority of Americans (51%) believe that it is necessary for Congress to pass legislation to make changes to Social Security this year.
In the past few years, according to polls conducted by the Tarrance Group, more and more Americans think the Social Security system needs major changes:
Poll Date Major Changes Modest Changes Minor Adjustment No Change
Tarrance Group
Tarrance Group
Third, as Americans hear more and more about possible reforms, support for Personal Retirement Accounts has increased. A recent Gallup survey found that 58% of Americans believe that Social Security Legislation should "include a provision that would allow people who retire in future decades to invest some of their Social Security taxes in the stock market and bonds."
Support for Personal Retirement Accounts has increased. According to a recent ABC News/Washington Post poll, fifty-six percent (56%) of Americans support allowing workers to invest some of their Social Security contributions in the stock market, while 41% oppose such an idea. The number of Americans who support PRAs has increased by a net of 6% since last December, when 53% supported the plan and 44% opposed it. This is the highest level of support for PRAs since the Post first asked the question in 2000.
Those eligible for Personal Retirement Accounts see benefits from them. According to a recent Pew poll, among those eligible for Personal Retirement Accounts, 56% believe investment would bring higher benefits; just 12% predict lower benefits and 55% would invest if given choice.
Once PRAs are explained, a majority of Americans support them. According to the Democracy Corps poll, 40% of Americans support PRAs before they are explained, while 51% oppose them. However, after a plan for voluntary personal retirement accounts is explained, support rises to 54%, while 45% remain opposed.
Finally, as Americans follow the Social Security Debate, they trust President Bush more than Democrats to find a solution. According to recent polls by the Winston Group and NPR, President leads Democrats on who offers better ideas and who is working on a bipartisan basis.
Bush Advantage Winston Group NPR
Who is willing to work with both political parties to find a solution?
Is offering the right kind of ideas?
Who do you trust to make the right kinds of changes?
Americans are realizing that Democrats are opposing Social Security modernization because they lack their own plans: The Democracy Corps poll also showed that 50% of Americans believe that Democrats are opposing President Bush's plans to strengthen Social Security just to block his agenda, while only 42% believe that they are opposing President Bush's plan because they have a better way to strengthen Social Security.
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23 March 2005
Federalist Patriot No. 05-12
Wednesday Chronicle*Manage Your Subscription: To change your e-mail address, select
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"The battle, sir, is not to the strong
alone; it is to the vigilant, the active,
the brave." --Patrick Henry
"Freedom is not a luxury that we can
indulge in when at last we have security
and prosperity and enlightenment;
it is, rather, antecedent to all of
these, for without it we can have
neither security nor prosperity nor
enlightenment." --Henry Steele Commager
"There are those who believe
that a new modernity demands a new
morality. What they fail to consider
is the harsh reality that there is no
such thing as a new morality. There
is only one morality. All else is
immorality." --Theodore Roosevelt
"When great causes are on
the move in the world we learn we are
spirits, not animals, and that something
is going on in space and time, and beyond
space and time, which, whether we like
it or not, spells duty." --Winston
"If we abide
by the principles taught in the Bible,
our country will go on prospering and
to prosper; but if we and our posterity
neglect its instruction and authority,
no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe
may overwhelm us and bury all our glory
in profound obscurity." --Daniel Webster
"When a government takes
over a people's economic life it becomes
absolute, and when it has become absolute
it destroys the arts, the minds, the
liberties and the meaning of the people
it governs." --Maxwell Anderson
"In cases like this one, where there
are serious questions and substantial
doubts, our society, our laws, and our
courts should have a presumption in favor
of life." --President George W. Bush
++ "Supporters of Michael
Schiavo's effort to end his wife's
life have asked how conservatives,
who claim to believe in the sanctity
of marriage, can fail to respect his
husbandly authority. The most obvious
answer is that a man's authority as a
husband does not supersede his wife's
rights as a human being -- a principle
we never thought we'd see liberals
question." --James Taranto ++
"The question is not whether the
suffering and dying person's life should
be terminated, the question is what
kind of nation will we become if they
are? Their physical death is preceded
only by our moral death!" --William
Federer ++ "It is too...easy
to be cavalier and heroic about 'dying
with dignity' when somebody else is doing
the dying." --Lawrence Henry
"Sadly, the highway bill that passed the
U.S. House of Representatives last week
was a pork-stuffed budget-buster. ... In
1987, Ronald Reagan vetoed a highway bill
he called a 'textbook example of pork
barrel politics.' That bill contained
152 earmarks. The 1998 highway bill,
the first one after Republicans took
control of Congress, had 1,850 -- more
than 12 times as many. This year's bill,
after 10 years of Republican control,
has more than 4,000." --Rep. John
"Given that
the two centuries of socialists'
experiments, whether by utopians,
Marxists, or Fabians, always ended in
economic failure and a loss of personal
liberty, why are people around the globe
still proudly proclaiming themselves
socialists?" --Richard Rahn
"It is a big mistake for us to grant any
validity to international law even when
it may seem in our short-term interest
to do so -- because, over the long
term, the goal of those who think that
international law really means anything
are those who want to constrict the
United States." --John Bolton
Restore the foundations!
Support the 2005 Patriot Fund:
"The 'right to die' has become
another liberal cause, part of the
'privacy' canon that extends through
Roe (abortion) and Lawrence
(homosexuality) and the Ninth Circuit's
views on assisted suicide that the
Supreme Court is taking up this
year. Of course, it gets a little
messy when someone is actually being
killed, and a husband with a conflict
of interest is the one who claims she
wanted to kill herself, but the Left
apparently believes these are mere
details that shouldn't interfere with
the broader cause. Thus the discovery of
federalism. Terri Schiavo's case is a
tragedy for her and her family. Beyond
the immediate question of whether she
lives or dies, her case may well have
the salutary effect of demonstrating
to the elites who want the right to
kill oneself embedded into law that
there is another side to the debate
that is going to be heard." --The
Wall Street Journal
This week's "Media Misleadia"
Award: "Just a couple of things
about Ms. Schiavo's condition. She
has been in this vegetative state for
15 years. It is her parents who want
to keep her alive. They say she can
be rehabilitated. They also say that
she will now die a painful death,
though there does not seem to be any
support for that argument in the
medical community." --ABC's Peter
Jennings **We've seen the video,
Peter, and her condition is hardly
Eco-theology: "Even if people stopped
pumping out carbon dioxide and other
pollutants tomorrow, global warming would
still get worse, two teams of researchers
reported on Thursday. ... Virtually no
one disagrees human activity is fueling
global warming, and a global treaty
signed in Kyoto, Japan, aims to reduce
polluting emissions. But the world's
biggest polluter, the United States,
has withdrawn from the 1997 treaty,
saying its provisions would hurt
the U.S. economy." --Reuters "news"
service **Shame on us for not doing
something about an unproven something
we can't stop anyway!
This week's "Leftmedia Buster" Award:
"In journalism, diversity is a club
the left uses to increase the hiring
of lefties. Feminists say they want
more female columnists when what they
really want are only more liberal female
columnists. Or, in their lingo, they
want 'authentic' women. So when the left
pushes for more diversity in a profession
that is overwhelmingly liberal already,
it really is pushing for less diversity
of ideas." --Debra Saunders ++
This week's "Leftmedia Buster" II
Award: "The Los Angeles Times'
editorial...on the Terri Schiavo case
is so hysterical and over the top that
we have to wonder. The law saving her
from imminent starvation, the paper
opines, 'amounts to a constitutional
coup d'ètat.' We guess that means
the Florida judiciary is the legitimate
government of the United States. The
Times doesn't go so far as to
mention Hitler, but it does say that
'some social conservatives are happy
to see the federal government acquire
Stalinist proportions when imposing their
morality on the rest of the country.' So
saving one woman from starvation is
the equivalent of starving millions to
death." --James Taranto
Still on the old campaign trail:
"I say the war was wrong, unholy and
the administration has brought death,
destruction, chaos and corruption
to Iraq." --Rep. Dennis Kucinich
From the "Disorder in the
Courts" Department: "Why would we give
lifetime appointments to people who earn
up to $200,000 a year, with absolutely
a great retirement system, and all
the things all Americans wish for,
with absolutely no check and balance
except that one confirmation vote? So
we're saying we think you ought to get
nine votes over the 51 required. That
isn't too much to ask for such a
super-important position. There ought
to be a super vote. Don't you think
so? It's the only check and balance on
these people. They're in for life. They
don't stand for election like we do,
which is scary." --Sen. Barbara Boxer
**Like, maybe you'd like to amend our
super Constitution to require that super
vote -- don' t you think so?++
"They want us to approve William
Pryor. If you don't care about voting
rights then you're going to be for
William Pryor. They want to us approve
William Morris [sic]. Here is a person
that has been dedicated and commitment
[sic] to cut back on the environmental
protection of all the environmental laws
so that we cannot have clean air, clean
water...." --Ted Kennedy, who by the
way meant William Myers++
"An ill wind is blowing across this
country. That wind sows the seeds of
destruction. Our Constitution is under
attack. We must speak out. We must kill
this dangerous effort to rewrite our
precious Constitution." --Robert Byrd
(D-KKK) on the constitutional option
for confirming judges
for an Oscar: "The caption tonight ought
to be: We're not doctors, we just play
them on C-SPAN." --Rep Barney Frank on
opposing the law for Terri's family over
the weekend
This week's
"Blow Hard" Award: "We can't drill our
way to energy independence. We have to
invent our way there, by harnessing
the entrepreneurial spirit that made
our country great." --John Kerry
Fly your Patriot Colors!
Visit the Patriot Shop:
From the "Village Academic Curriculum"
Files: "If we are to have safe and
nurturing schools where all children
can learn without fear of harassment,
we must step out of our comfort zone
and follow [homosexual proponent]
Malcolm Lazin's example to encourage
tolerance and respect for diversity
in our own backyard. Only then can
our nation truly stand for equality
for all people." --National Education
Association President Reg Weaver on
presenting the Virginia Uribe Award for
Creative Leadership in Human Rights to
Lazin, for his efforts contributing to
schoolchildren's indoctrination into
pro-homosexuality views.
This week's "Je$$e Jack$on 'I have a
$cheme' " Award: "The same people who
enjoy watching democracy in Iraq would
not fight for us to have the vote in
our own country. And Cheney, who voted
three times to keep Mandela in jail,
did not vote for democracy in South
Africa. So I am suspicious of their
motives for their newfound passion
for democracy. ... You have to hope
that the people [in Iraq] are better
off, but it is premature to arrive at
any conclusions that they are better
off. All we know is that they are dying,
daily." --Je$$e Jack$on
From the Global Village: "We are not
warmongers like U.S. leaders. They
are warmongers. They are after war,
but we are men of sacrifice." --Iran's
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
the Morally Challenged Department:
"For those [first eight] years,
Michael...had a desperate hope that
Terri would get better, despite the
doctors telling him that, you know,
Mike, there's nothing there, there is
no hope. He refused to believe it. It
took many, many years for Michael
to finally, I guess, come to reality
and believe that Terri was not coming
back." --George Felos, Michael Schiavo's
lawyer, responding to the question: why
didn't Michael act on Terri's "wishes"
to die before shacking up with another
woman seven years ago.
"Even if Paul Wolfowitz and John
Bolton weren't two of the more
far-sighted thinkers in the Bush
administration, appointing them
respectively to the World Bank and
the UN would be worth it just for the
pleasure of watching the Europeans,
the Democrats and the media go bananas
over it." --Mark Steyn
"The U.S. Senate passed a bankruptcy law
that makes it tougher to escape credit
card bills. It's high time. If people
want to spend money they don't have and
run up debts they can't repay they will
have to run for Congress like everybody
else." --Argus Hamilton
"For the life of me I don't know why
scalping tickets should be illegal. It
seems to me that buying low and selling
high is in the best American tradition;
it's what capitalism is all about. ... As
far as I'm concerned the only scalping
that ought to be illegal is what the
Indians used to do. That, when you stop
to think about it, is a real hair-raising
experience." --Lyn Nofziger
"In a study of public safety officers --
not even the general population -- female
officers were found to have 32 percent
to 56 percent less upper body strength
and 18 percent to 45 percent less lower
body strength than male officers --
although their outfits were 43 percent
more coordinated. ... Another study
I've devised involves asking a woman to
open a jar of pickles." --Ann Coulter
"[C]affeine can have serious
side effects if we ingest too much. This
fact was first noticed in ancient
Egypt when a group of workers, who were
supposed to be making a birdbath, began
drinking Egyptian coffee, which is very
strong, and wound up constructing the
pyramids." --Dave Barry
David Letterman.... "Top
Questions Congress Forgot To Ask Baseball
Players": "Who does Pete Rose have in
his NCAA pool?"; "Why is Bud Selig so
creepy?"; "Ever snort Rosin?"; "How will
all this affect the value of my baseball
card collection?"; "Mr. Palmiero, are
you more embarrassed by the steroid
scandal or those Viagra commercials?";
"Can we really call this a hearing
if none of you are saying anything?";
"Barney Frank wants to know if Johnny
Damon is single?"; "Can you think of
a better way to waste taxpayer money?"
Jay Leno.... Well folks, on the second anniversary of the
invasion of Iraq, gas prices in California have hit three dollars a
gallon in some places. Three dollars a gallon! Didn't we win that war? I
mean, I know there's no weapons of mass destruction, but apparently
there's no gas there either. .... Gas prices are so high,
Robert Blake and O.J. are forced to carpool in their search for the
real killers. .... Congress is investigating steroid use in
baseball. Apparently we've cured cancer and all the other problems
of the world so now were starting on this one. .... Congress
investigating steroids. It's kind of ironic, isn't it? Ted Kennedy asking
somebody how their head got so big. .... President Clinton is
recovering quite well. In fact, he just passed a stress test or, as he
called it, a weekend with Hillary.
Lex et Libertas -- Semper Vigilo, Paratus, et Fidelis! Mark
Alexander, Publisher, for the editors and staff. (Please pray for our
Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm's way around the world in defense
of our liberty, and for the families awaiting their safe return.)
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