05-10 Chronicle
09 March 2005CONTENTS:
Federalist Patriot No. 05-10
Wednesday Chronicle
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"I will not believe our labors are lost. I shall not die without a hope that light and liberty are on a steady advance." --Thomas Jefferson
"The world wishes to be deceived." --Sebastian Franck
"I long to accomplish a great and noble task; but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble." --Helen Keller
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." --Henry David Thoreau
"The majority of us are for free speech when it deals with subjects concerning which we have no intense feelings." --Edmund Chaffee
"Perhaps the most obvious political effect of controlled news is the advantage it gives powerful people in getting their issues on the political agenda and defining those issues in ways likely to influence their resolution." --W. Lance Bennett
"Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote." --George Jean Nathan
"While people in various countries in the Middle East are beginning to stir as they see democracy start to take root in Iraq, our own political system is moving steadily in the opposite direction, toward rule by unelected judicial ayatollahs, acting like the ayatollahs in Iran." --Thomas Sowell
"Doesn't anyone wonder why the NAACP does not have events celebrating the first black woman secretary of state? Why does an organization whose mission is to advance the lot of blacks not celebrate Clarence Thomas, our black Supreme Court justice?" --Star Parker
"My name is Walter Moore and I'm running for mayor, and you know what? I don't speak Spanish and I don't intend to learn." --Los Angeles GOP mayoral candidate Walter Moore
"[T]he [Supreme] court's evidence for a consensus against the death penalty for those who murdered before their 18th birthday is pitifully thin. In recent years, it notes, executions of juvenile murderers have been few and far between, and five states that used to allow it no longer do. That's a 'national consensus'?" --Jeff Jacoby
"Freedom has a momentum of its own." --Paul Greenberg
"With hindsight, the fellow travelers were let off far too easily when the Iron Curtain fell like a discarded burka. Little more than a decade later, they barely hesitated a moment before jumping in on the wrong side of history yet again -- and this time without the excuse that the ideological virtues of Communism had merely gone awry in practice." --Mark Steyn
"In reality, of course, the 'international opinion' standard is appealing to some justices precisely because it gives them unfettered discretion to pick and choose the 'opinions' that should influence American law. At the end of the day, the opinions the justices are really deferring to are their own. The new standard of 'international opinion' is just one more vehicle that allows Supreme Court justices to make up the law as they go along." --John Hinderaker
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"It may well be that the filibuster flap will cause Democrats to raise the roof and use Senate rules to obstruct other legislation. But the alternative is for Republicans to let a Senate minority dictate who can sit on the federal bench -- even after two elections in a row in which Democrats lost Senate seats in part because of the judicial filibuster issue. Elections ought to mean something. If Republicans allow a repeat of the last two years, their own voters will start to hold their timidity against them. Meanwhile, rhetoric does matter in politics, as Herr [Robert] Byrd has learned from his wacky Adolf allusions [likening Republicans determined to spike the filibusters to the Nazi dictator Hitler]. As Republicans move to explain what they're doing to give nominees their constitutional right to a vote on the Senate floor, we suggest they refer to the tactic as the Byrd option." --The Wall Street Journal
From the "See B.S." Department: "I'm hard to herd and impossible to stampede." --retiring anchorhead Dan Rather **Dan, we're going to miss you!++ "[T]he lynch mob won. Wednesday will be Dan Rather's last night anchoring the CBS Evening News but Rather's career is about much more than one flawed story about George W. Bush's military service. Dan Rather for more than 40 years has been one terrific reporter through the JFK assassination, Vietnam, Watergate and around the globe. ... Thanks, Dan, for a job well done." --CNN's Mark Shields **Now let's not get carried away!++ This week's "Leftmedia Buster" Award: "It surprised quite a few people at CBS and elsewhere that, without being able to pull up the ratings beyond third in a three-man field, that they tolerated [Dan Rather's] being there for so long. ...Dan gave the impression of playing a role, more than simply trying to deliver the news to the audience." --Walter Cronkite
From the "Commissars of Public Opinion": "This is one of those days in the newsroom where the discussion focused, ever so briefly, on whether to begin with the good news or the bad. A solo, pretty heroic nonstop flight around the world? Or the latest overall number of how many Americans -- soldiers and Marines -- have died in Iraq? It was a short conversation. We learned today that the number of Americans -- soldiers and Marines, men and women -- who have died in Iraq has now reached 1,500." --ABC's Peter Jennings
On Freudian slippages... "The [anti-terror] protesters [in Iraq] held the impromptu demonstration in front of the clinic, chanting 'No to terrorism!' and 'No to Baptism and Wahhabism!'" --Associated Press in a mangled transcription of "No to Ba'athism"
Dumb and Dumber: "It is fairly easy to see that something important is happening in Lebanon, a move in the direction of independence and the idea of a civil society with democratic underpinnings that is reflected elsewhere in the Middle East. It is more difficult to figure out why it is happening just now, what forces have converged at this moment." --Orange County Register
From the Poets' corner: "This message to those who attack you; [Republicans], you reap what you sow, so watch your back. We're still following the leader, and you can all go to hell." --former senator Max Cleland in a poem at Tom Daschle's building-naming dinner ++ "Old Tom [was a] champion for working folk who will take their crap no more." --Teddy Kennedy with his own poetry
This week's "Las Clintonista Leftovers" Award: "In every single election [in Iran since 1997], the guys I identify with got two-thirds to 70 percent of the vote. There is no other country in the world I can say that about, certainly not my own." --Bill Clinton **Thank goodness!
From the "Confiscated Income" Files: "When you have a tax, where you pay the same tax whether you're wealthy or you're poor, that's not fair." --Charlie Rangel
Then and Now: "[D]ue to the increasing number of baby boomers reaching retirement age, Social Security will be unable to pay out full benefits beginning in 2032, but the sooner Congress gets to avert this crisis the easier and less painful it will be." --Dick Durbin in 1998 ++ "If the president is committed to destroying Social Security, which is privatization, then it doesn't make much sense to get into a negotiation. ... The fact is, privatization cannot be on the table." --Ted Kennedy (D-Neverland)
"While this Republican administration has spoken strongly about promoting democracy around the world, the House Republican leadership is working feverishly to undermine democracy here at home." --Nancy Pelosi advocating Democrisy
The steaks are raised: "Renew your membership today at the most generous level you can afford and help me stop Rove's mignons [sic] in their tracks." --Washington State Democrat Party Chairman Paul Berendt
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This week's "Social Entropy" Award: "In a 5-4 Supreme Court decision [last week], the United States removed itself from the axis of evil nations that execute juveniles. ... Until [this] majority opinion...the U.S. was part of an exclusive club -- the others are China, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Pakistan, Yemen, Nigeria, and Saudi Arabia -- that are known to have formally executed kids since 1990." --The Village Voice (how appropriate) **No kid was ever executed in the U.S. Teenagers who committed murder were only executed after years and years of appeals. Minor detail.
"[Vice President Cheney, as the Senate president, will] quietly wipe out a centuries-old Senate practice that requires 60 votes to confirm a controversial judge. ... Then stack the Supreme Court and all federal courts with judges so extreme they could turn the clock back 70 years on efforts to protect working people, public health, the environment, civil rights, civil liberties, and privacy." --MoveOn.org
Excuses, excuses... "Two brothers own 80 percent of the [voting] machines used in the United States...[and it is] very easy to hack into the other machines." --Teresa Heinz Kerry ++ "You cannot have bishops in the pulpit -- long before or the Sunday before the election -- as they did in Catholic churches, saying it was a mortal sin to vote for John Kerry." --Teresa "Theophobe" Kerry **What about free speech? We know it's in the Constitution somewhere....
Would you like a little class warfare on the side?: "[It's an] effort to reward wealthy Americans at the expense of...black working Americans." --NAACP Chairman, Julian Bond on the President's Social Security proposals
From the "Global Village": "Cuba recognizes that there are violations of human rights in our country, but they are at the Guantanamo Naval Base, in territory occupied against Cuba's will." --Cuba's Communist Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque
Diagnosing the Demo problem: "One of the Democratic [sic] Party's problems is that it doesn't have enough contact with its rank and file. Right-wing people in this country have a place to meet and talk politics -- their churches, increasingly the mega-churches in the exurbs. There's not a meeting place like that for liberals and for Democrats." --Michael Tomasky of The American Prospect
"And the really bad news? Social Security is not the tough problem. It's the easy one. The tough one is Medicare. ... Given the scale of the challenge, it might be understandable for our leaders to crawl under their desks and curl up in a fetal position, moaning and weeping and hoping the problem will go away." --Steve Chapman
"By the way, when's the next Not In Our Name rally? How about this Saturday? Millions of Nionists can flood into Trafalgar Square to proclaim to folks in Iraq and Lebanon and Egypt and Jordan and Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian Authority that all the changes under way in the region are most certainly Not In Their Name." --Mark Steyn
"As long as greed, stupidity and cowardice remain a part of the human condition, there will be a constituency for Democrats." --Jack Kelly
"Jackie Robinson was honored in the U.S. Capitol Wednesday. What a ceremony. It doubled the number of statues in the rotunda because when it was mentioned that he was a lifelong Republican and Richard Nixon supporter, the Democrats turned to stone." --Argus Hamilton
"[T]he [Supreme] Court lives by a commandment of its own: 'Thou shalt make no sense.' Long ago it rejected any clean standard for interpreting the establishment clause, opting for a confusing morass instead." --Rich Lowry
"A wise man named Lawrence Summers of Harvard and a foolish man named Ward Churchill of the University of Colorado are in danger of losing their jobs for excessive flapping of the lips without prior cerebration. When we say that God's greatest gift to Man is the faculty of speech, we don't necessarily mean the speech of faculty." --Jay Homnick
David Letterman.... "Top Other Changes At CNN": Wolf Blitzer changing name to Blitz Wolfer; When covering a hard story, reporters ask, "What would Jack Daniels do?"; Every Sunday it's "WKRP in Cincinnati" marathons; Reporters must make quotation marks with fingers when calling Bush "President"; They're putting Lou Dobbs on steroids; Every night, one lucky viewer receives an on-air physical from Dr. Sanjay Gupta; Last 10 minutes of newscasts, anchors sing hits from the 70s, 80s, 90s and today; Changing name to CNNN; Interactive feature allows viewers to administer painful electric shock to Larry King.
Jay Leno.... According to the "American Journal of Nutrition," the mother's genes are what drives obesity in children. How about the mothers that drive their children to McDonald's? .... Martha Stewart is getting out of prison this week. Boy, time really flies when you're not the one doing it. .... Martha also said that prison was the toughest, most humbling place she's ever been in. Ya know, outside of a K-Mart. .... Microsoft chairman Bill Gates was given an honorary knighthood by Queen Elizabeth today. I believe he's now known as The Duke of Nerds. .... Rapper Nelly has been nominated for two Country Music TV Awards. Nelly collaborated with Tim McGraw on a song. That's an interesting combination, isn't it? Country and rap? What would you call that? Crap, I guess. .... In an interview on Japanese television President Clinton said that Hillary Clinton would make a great president. Lousy intern, but a great president. .... Eighty-seven-year-old West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd is in trouble after he compared Senate Republicans to the Nazis. He would have compared them to the Ku Klux Klan but he used to be a member. .... CNN, God bless them, has become the first national cable television news network to air commercials for hard liquor. Did you see their new slogan? "CNN -- News with Booze."
Lex et Libertas -- Semper Vigilo, Paratus, et Fidelis! Mark Alexander, Publisher, for the editors and staff. (Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm's way around the world in defense of our liberty, and for the families awaiting their safe return.)
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