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Granholm's failings make Michigan the only state losing jobs
Michigan Republican Party Chairman Saulius "Saul" Anuzis today gave up his last sliver of hope that Governor Jennifer Granholm has the capacity to lead Michigan to economic recovery.
"Jennifer Granholm as Governor has been a failure," said Anuzis. "One state - and one state alone - lost jobs in 2004 and sadly, it was Michigan. Forty-nine states added jobs. This is proof-positive that Granholm just doesn't have the answers to the state's problems."
The US Department of Labor today released its report on state unemployment rates. Their findings show that "Michigan recorded the only decline in employment over the year (-15,200 or -0.3 percent)." The report goes on to highlight that Michigan's unemployment remains at the top of the national scale. The report is available online at:
"If 49 states can add jobs, so can Michigan," continued Anuzis. "But it will take real leadership and a clear plan. Jennifer Granholm has neither."
This week, Granholm unveiled her proposal to modify the Single Business Tax, one of the many factors that make Michigan unfriendly to business. The prospect of a better business tax was exciting to people on both sides of the aisle. However, the governor released a proposal that actually harms more businesses than it helps. Worst of all, it does nothing to help curb the number of jobs that Michigan has lost month after month on Jennifer Granholm's watch - the only governor to have a net job loss in 2004.
The proposal also dramatically shifts the SBT burden from firms with limited profitability to those small businesses that are doing well. In turn, that will pass the tax onto consumers. Anyone who pays insurance, goes to a CPA, has a home water softener, goes to the movies or buys a soda in a vending machine, among many others, will suffer a tax increase.
Chairman Anuzis was front and center as the governor proposed her tax hike, making sure that everyone knew the truth. He said, "This proposal is anything but 'revenue neutral.' This is a tax hike on most of Michigan's businesses and all of Michigan's families, totaling over $110 million. If tax hikes create jobs, then car accidents must lower insurance premiums. Nothing parallels Granholm logic."
The Michigan Chamber has done an in-depth analysis of the proposal. You can read it here:
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