05-12 Brief

21 March 2005
Federalist Patriot No. 05-12
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"The Bible is the best of all books,
for it is the word of God and teaches
us the way to be happy in this world
and in the next. Continue therefore to
read it and to regulate your life by
its precepts." --John Jay
INSIGHT "It is the highest impertinence and
presumption, therefore, in kings and
ministers, to pretend to watch over
the economy of private people, and
to restrain their expense, either by
sumptuary laws, or by prohibiting the
importation of foreign luxuries. They
are themselves always, and without any
exception, the greatest spendthrifts in
the society. Let them look well after
their own expense, and they may safely
trust private people with theirs. If
their own extravagance does not ruin
the state, that of their subjects never
will." --Adam Smith
"If Christians would toughen up a bit,
get out of the religious closet, follow
their faith instead of their fears, and
live their beliefs in a more robust way,
we would once again change the face of
this nation more drastically. ...[T]rue
faith is resilient. It can handle
scrutiny. It has answers for tough
questions. It has solutions for societal
pollution." --Doug Giles
FAMILY "The crusade for same-sex marriage has
never been aimed merely at adjusting the
familiar boundaries of married life to
make it more inclusive. The real target
is the significance of marriage itself --
the idea, fundamental to human happiness
and all successful societies, that the
purpose of marriage is to bring men
and women together for their mutual
welfare and for the protection and
well-being of any children they create
or adopt. It is that deeply ingrained
belief that the marriage radicals are
determined to do away with. One purpose
of the official marriage Newspeak is
to make such thoughts increasingly
unthinkable. Already it is becoming
hazardous to speak of marriage as an
opposite-sex institution or to suggest
that one of its core functions is
to provide children with fathers and
mothers." --Jeff Jacoby
CULTURE "[W]hile they theologically reject
other faiths, evangelical Christians
are the single strongest advocates of
Judeo-Christian values. They are what
can be called 'Judeo-Christians.' Since
they founded America, such Christians
have recognized the critical
significance of the Jewish text --
the Old Testament -- which forms the
foundation of Judeo-Christian values. It
provided the God of Christianity, their
supra-natural Creator, the notions of
divine moral judgment and divine love,
the God-based universal morality they
advocate and try to live by, the Ten
Commandments, the holy, the sanctity
of human life, the belief in a God of
history and that history has meaning,
and moral progress. All these and more
came from the Jews and their texts. But
while the Jews provided the text, the
Christians brought the text and its
values into the world at large and
applied them to a society composed
of Jews, Christians, atheists, and
members of other religions. Those
Judeo-Christian values have made
America the greatest experiment in human
progress and liberty and the greatest
force for good in history. And they are
exportable. In fact, they are humanity's
only hope." --Dennis Prager
LIBERTY "Freedom of speech and the idea
of a free press are so intricately
woven into America's DNA that few of
us give much thought to the origins of
our freedoms or ponder an alternative
life without them. With gratitude,
we can admit that we don't worry much
about jackboots kicking in our doors
at night because we've spoken ill of
El Jefe. Indeed, criticizing government
is sport within our borders. Every day,
pundits, cartoonists, radio broadcasters,
bloggers and others take potshots at
public officials with impunity, if not
always with logic or sound arguments. But
so goes freedom, American-style. Even
the ignorant are invited to democracy's
brawl." --Kathleen Parker
Fly your Patriot Colors!
Visit the Patriot Shop:
"We Republicans have not been
entrusted with the White House and
the Senate to make easy decisions but
because the American people want us to
wean our nation away from decades of
growing dependency and political quick
fixes. Together we can make the GOP the
true majority party, the centerpiece
for decades to come of a governing
coalition based on liberty, limited
government, and economic growth. To do
so, however, this spring we must prove
to the country that we can produce a
sound and responsible budget, one that
cuts the deficit and fosters continued
economic vitality. So let us not shrink
from this task or be seen to approach
it with doubts and hesitations. Let us,
instead, unite and rise to the challenge
with vigor." --Ronald Reagan
"Put me clearly on the record: I
don't want to 'reform' Social Security
or 'rescue' it or 'adjust it to the new
realities of the 21st century.' No,
I want to hit it in the head with
a shovel and bury it in a New Jersey
landfill. It is time to kill the rotten,
lousy, 'rip off your kids to keep granny
in bingo cards' Ponzi scheme that we
call Social Security, but would be more
accurately described as 'the government
taking money from poor, hard-working
young families and giving just enough
of it to retirees to keep them broke,
too'." --Michael Graham
GOVERNMENT "Before the election of local,
state or federal legislators, be sure
to find out where they stand on the
issue of education. For the federal
government to be involved in education
at all is in blatant violation of
the U.S. Constitution. Don't fall
for socialist con words like 'choice'
or 'accountability' in education. In
socialist doublespeak 'choice' means
you might be permitted to choose
among several different government
schools in your area (all of which
are promoting the same socialist
programs). 'Accountability' means
accountable to government, not to
parents. Make it known in no uncertain
terms that you want to take back the
educational system that made America
the greatest nation on earth -- FREEDOM
in education!" --Debbie O'Hara
"I spent part of last week ringing up
the organizers of [upcoming] anti-war
events with a couple of questions. The
first: Would they allow anyone from
the newly-elected Iraqi parliament to
address the gatherings? The second:
Would the marches include expressions
of support for the democracy movement
in Arab and other Muslim countries,
notably Iraq, Lebanon and Syria? In both
cases the answer was a categorical no,
accompanied by a torrent of abuse about
'all those who try to justify American
aggression against Iraq.' ... Why are
so many Westerners, living in mature
democracies, ready to march against
the toppling of a despot in Iraq but
unwilling to take to the streets in
support of the democratic movement in the
Middle East? Is it because many of those
who will be marching in support of Saddam
Hussein this month are the remnants of
totalitarian groups in the West plus
a variety of misinformed idealists and
others blinded by anti-Americanism? Or
is it because they secretly believe that
the Arabs do not deserve anything better
than Saddam Hussein?" --Amir Taheri
"[Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid]
has written a letter to the senate
majority leader, William Frist pleading
for him not to [use the 'nuclear' option
to break the Democrat filibusters
of judges] and threatening that if
they do it the Democrats will block
any legislation except that having to
do with national security or critical
government services. What Reid doesn't
understand is that what he considers
a threat, conservatives for the most
part will view as a promise. The idea
of the Senate not passing legislation
is a thrilling one indeed, one that
most conservatives will endorse. As
for those who favor lots of new laws,
they will have no one to blame but the
Reid-led Democrats. In other words it
seems to me that Reid is offering the
Republicans a chance to have their cake
and eat it, too." --Lyn Nofziger
Restore the foundations!
Support the 2005 Patriot Fund:
"There are just two problems
with mass transit. Nobody uses it,
and it costs [too much]. Only 4% of
Americans take public transportation
to work. Even in cities they don't do
it. Less than 25% of commuters in the
New York metropolitan area use public
transportation. Elsewhere it's far less
-- 9.5% in San Francisco-Oakland-San
Jose, 1.8% in Dallas-Fort Worth. As for
total travel in urban parts of America
-- all the comings and goings for work,
school, shopping, etc. -- 1.7 % of those
trips are made on mass transit. Then
there is the cost, which is...$52
billion. Less obviously, there's all
the money spent locally keeping local
mass transit systems operating. The
Heritage Foundation says, 'There isn't
a single light rail transit system
in America in which fares paid by the
passengers cover the cost of their own
rides.' Heritage cites the Minneapolis
'Hiawatha' light rail line, soon to be
completed with $107 million from the
transportation bill. Heritage estimates
that the total expense for each ride
on the Hiawatha will be $19. Commuting
to work will cost $8,550 a year. If the
commuter is earning minimum wage, this
leaves about $1,000 a year for food,
shelter and clothing. Or, if the city
picks up the tab, it could have leased
a BMW X-5 SUV for the commuter at about
the same price." --P.J. O'Rourke
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On Terri Schiavo:
"I love The Patriot, but I must disagree with your take on the
Terri Schiavo case. If she is indeed aware with feelings, she must dread
each hour of her life -- no quality of life at all! Anyone forced to
stay alive in this state must truly suffer. If all of today's technology
cannot save her, then let her rest in piece! Certainly, Jeb Bush and
Congress have no business meddling in the affairs of the Schiavos. How
can you possibly support their misguided efforts?" --Reno, Nevada
/>Editor's Reply: First, Terri is aware, not in a coma. No
artificial means are needed to keep her alive -- only food through a
tube. She seems to love her family very much and it is reciprocated --
they wish to take care of her. That is their prerogative if no clear
will is left by the individual. However, Michael Schiavo's motives
are certainly suspect, as he is ready to marry the mother of his two
children as soon as Terri dies. (See also the second paragraph of
Patriot Digest No. 05-11.)
Second, the Constitution is
meant to protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,
all of which Judge Greer seeks to take away from Terri and her
parents. Congress and President Bush have intervened in order to protect
those constitutional liberties. "Life itself is [an] unalienable right,
and no good government can transfer the right to life for a category
of persons into the control of another category of persons," The
Patriot said Friday. We stand by that assessment.
"I am absolutely sick at heart over the Terri Schiavo case. Her
dedicated, loving parents want to care for her but her husband is bound
and determined to allow her to starve to death. What a monstrous society
we have become! He has already had children with another woman, and he
obviously doesn't care for Terri. As a parent, I would fight to the death
to keep my child alive unless his wishes were clearly expressed (and even
then I would have a hard time letting go). Her husband should divorce her
so that her parents can take care of her." --Hartford, Connecticut
What Scripture says:
"And the King will answer and say to them, 'Assuredly, I say to
you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren,
you did it to Me.' Then He will also say to those on the left hand,
'Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for
the devil and his angels: for I was hungry and you gave Me no food;
I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink'." --Matthew 25:40-42; Overisel,
"How many people have to die
before the country stops humoring
feminists? Last week, a defendant in
a rape case, Brian Nichols, wrested a
gun from a female deputy in an Atlanta
courthouse and went on a murderous
rampage. Liberals have proffered
every possible explanation for this
breakdown in security except the
giant elephant in the room. ... The
New York Times said the problem
was not enough government spending
on courthouse security. Yes, it was
tax-cuts-for-the-rich that somehow
enabled a 200-pound former linebacker
to take a gun from a 5-foot-tall
grandmother. ... I think I have
an idea that would save money and
lives: Have large men escort violent
criminals. Admittedly, this approach
would risk another wave of nausea
and vomiting by female professors at
Harvard. But there are also advantages
to not pretending women are as strong
as men, such as fewer dead people. Even
a female math professor at Harvard
should be able to run the numbers on
this one." --Ann Coulter
Lex et Libertas -- Semper Vigilo, Paratus, et Fidelis! Mark
Alexander, Publisher, for the editors and staff. (Please pray for our
Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm's way around the world in defense
of our liberty, and for the families awaiting their safe return.)
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