05-15 Chronicle
13 April 2005
Federalist Patriot No. 05-15
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"I cannot undertake to lay my finger
on that article of the Constitution which
granted a right to Congress of expending,
on objects of benevolence, the money
of their constituents...." --James
"To compel a man to furnish
contributions of money for the
propagation of opinions which he
disbelieves and abhors is sinful and
tyrannical. ... A wise and frugal
government...shall not take from
the mouth of labor the bread it has
earned. ... Congress has not unlimited
powers to provide for the general
welfare but only those specifically
enumerated. ... Would it not be better
to simplify the system of taxation
rather than to spread it over such a
variety of subjects and pass through
so many new hands?" --Thomas Jefferson
++ "The apportionment of taxes
on the various descriptions of property
is an act which seems to require the
most exact impartiality; yet there is,
perhaps, no legislative act in which
greater opportunity and temptation are
given to a predominant party to trample
on the rules of justice. Every shilling
which they overburden the inferior
number is a shilling saved to their own
pockets. ... A just security to property
is not afforded by that government,
under which unequal taxes oppress one
species of property and reward another
species. ... Government is instituted to
protect property of every sort; as well
that which lies in the various rights
of individuals, as that which the term
particularly expresses. This being the
end of government, that alone is a just
government which impartially secures to
every man whatever is his own." --James
Madison ++ "The moment the idea
is admitted into society that property
is not as sacred as the laws of God,
and that there is not a force of law and
public justice to protect it, anarchy
and tyranny commence. If 'Thou shalt
not covet' and 'Thou shalt not steal'
were not commandments of Heaven, they
must be made inviolable precepts in
every society before it can be civilized
or made free." --John Adams ++
"It is a signal advantage of taxes
on articles of consumption that they
contain in their own nature a security
against excess. ... If duties are too
high, they lessen the consumption; the
collection is eluded; and the product to
the treasury is not so great as when they
are confined within proper and moderate
bounds." --Alexander Hamilton ++
"When the people find they can vote
themselves money, that will herald
the end of the republic." --Benjamin
"Government does not tax to get the
money it needs; government always finds
a need for the money it gets." --Ronald
Reagan ++ "In general, the
art of government consists in taking
as much money as possible from one
party of the citizens to give to
the other." --Voltaire ++
"Government cannot make man richer,
but it can make him poorer." --Ludwig
von Mises ++ "We contend that
for a nation to try to tax itself into
prosperity is like a man standing in
a bucket and trying to lift himself
up by the handle." --Winston Churchill
++ "Collecting more taxes than
is absolutely necessary is legalized
robbery." --Calvin Coolidge ++
"The way to crush the bourgeoisie is
to grind them between the millstones
of taxation and inflation." --Vladimir
Lenin ++ "An unlimited power
to tax involves, necessarily, a power
to destroy; because there is a limit
beyond which no institution and no
property can bear taxation." --John
Marshall ++ "If, from the more
wretched parts of the old world, we
look at those which are in an advanced
stage of improvement, we still find the
greedy hand of government thrusting
itself into every corner and crevice
of industry, and grasping the spoil of
the multitude. Invention is continually
exercised, to furnish new pretenses
for revenues and taxation. It watches
prosperity as its prey and permits none
to escape without tribute." --Thomas
Paine ++ "That most delicious of
all privileges -- spending other people's
money." --John Randolph of Roanoke
++ "To tax the community for the
advantage of a class is not protection:
it is plunder." --Benjamin Disraeli
++ "Gold still represents
the ultimate form of payment in the
world." --Alan Greenspan ++
"A government which lays taxes on the
people not required by urgent public
necessity and sound public policy is not
a protector of liberty, but an instrument
of tyranny." --Calvin Coolidge ++
"Virtually everything is under
federal control nowadays except the
federal budget." --Herman E. Talmadge
++ "Before we give you billions
more, we want to know what you've done
with the trillion you've got." --Les
Aspin ++ "The current tax code
is a daily mugging." --Ronald Reagan
++ "The only difference between
a tax man and a taxidermist is that the
taxidermist leaves the skin." --Mark
Twain ++ "Income taxes have
made more liars out of the American
people than golf." --Will Rogers
"Three groups spend other
people's money: children, thieves,
politicians. All three need
supervision." --Dick Armey ++
"As I watch government at all levels
daily eat away at our freedom, I keep
thinking how prosperity and government
largesse have combined to make most of
us fat and lazy and indifferent to,
or actually in favor of, the limits
being placed on that freedom." --Lyn
Nofziger ++ "Any politician who starts
shouting election-year demagoguery about
the rich and the poor should be asked,
'What about the other 90 percent of the
people?'" --Thomas Sowell ++
"The Declaration of Independence, the
words that launched our nation -- 1,300
words. The Bible, the word of God --
773,000 words. The Tax Code, the words
of politicians -- 7,000,000 words --
and growing!" --Steve Forbes ++
"The government taxes you when you bring
home a paycheck. It taxes you when you
make a phone call. It taxes you when
you turn on a light. It taxes you when
you sell a stock. It taxes you when
you fill your car with gas. It taxes
you when you ride a plane. It taxes you
when you get married. Then it taxes you
when you die. This is taxual insanity
and it must end." --J. C. Watts, Jr.
++ "Today the percentage of
taxpayers who rely on professional tax
preparers is at an all-time high. The 67
percent of tax filers who do not itemize
may think they avoid compliance costs,
which include nagging uncertainty about
whether one has properly complied with
a tax code about the meaning of which
experts differ. But everyone pays
the cost of the tax system's vast drag
on the economy." --George Will ++
"Give me a break -- They say taxes are
inevitable ... like death. At least
death doesn't come every year." --John
Restore the foundations!
Support the 2005 Patriot Fund:
"There aren't many border-control
success stories these days, but Arizona's
Minuteman Project is quickly becoming
one. ... How ironic that the people who
President Bush derided as 'vigilantes'
are acting as much-needed extra eyes
and ears for law-enforcement officials.
The Minutemen have all but sealed the
U.S.-Mexico border in the 23-mile
stretch they patrol. Their success
suggests that, organized in larger scale
with a cooperative federal government,
groups like Project Minuteman could be
a substantial contribution to border
security. At the very least, the
Minutemen are bringing some much-needed
attention to the nation's woefully
porous borders. We hope President
Bush and others who prefer the status
quo are watching." --The Washington
This week's "Media Misleadia" Award:
"The immediate provocation is the GOP's
so-called 'nuclear option,' a scheme by
Republican leaders in the Senate to end
the 200-year tradition of allowing the
minority party to filibuster judicial
nominations. Democrats regard the
proposed rule change as the equivalent
of a constitutional coup in the
Senate." --Eleanor Clift, in a blatant
lie -- filibusters of judicial nominees
are unconstitutional
limited candle power: "As the debate over
Social Security heats up, the estimated
seven million or so illegal immigrant
workers in the United States are now
providing the system with a subsidy of
as much as $7 billion a year. ... It
is impossible to know exactly how many
illegal immigrant workers pay taxes.
But according to specialists, most
of them do. Since 1986, when the
Immigration Reform and Control Act set
penalties for employers who knowingly
hire illegal immigrants, most such
workers have been forced to buy fake
ID's to get a job." --Eduardo Porter of
The New York Times**Not only
should we be thankful for illegals,
says the Times, we should feel
sorry that they're "forced" to buy fake
And sometimes they
get it right: "When she announced his
nomination as ambassador to the United
Nations, Secretary of State Condoleezza
Rice argued that John R. Bolton would
be effective because, like former
ambassadors Daniel Patrick Moynihan and
Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, he was one of 'the
strongest voices' in defense of American
interests. There is something to that:
The United States sometimes needs to
stand up to rogue political appointees
or gangs of autocrats at the United
Nations, and the reforms the institution
badly needs are unlikely to go forward
without some unceremonious pushing from
the U.S. ambassador." --Washington
Post editorial endorsing John Bolton
for U.S. Ambassador to the UN
Life imitates satire: "Last year too
many people were denied their right
to vote, too many who tried to vote
were intimidated. ... Leaflets are
handed out saying Democrats vote on
Wednesday, Republicans vote on Tuesday.
People are told in telephone calls that
if you've ever had a parking ticket,
you're not allowed to vote." --Cambodia
Vet John Kerry **Memo to John:
The story about "Big Wednesday" was a
satirical news story in The
the wagons: "I think it's a bad idea
to have a man there who doesn't have
much regard for the UN." --Joseph Biden
++ "[Bolton] doesn't appear to
be the best guy for the job." --Senate
Minority Leader Harry Reid
From the Legacy Rewrite Department:
"Now I understand that for the time
being the American people have given
Republicans control of the White House
and both branches of the Congress,
well the Supreme Court did have
something to do with that in 2000, but
you know what I mean. I accept that.
Now we Democrats enjoyed that kind of
advantage in the past. But even when
Democrats were in control, Congress
exercised accountability, and the White
House exercised restraint." --Hillary
Rodham Clinton Rodham **Restraint?
What does that mean? Only one dalliance
at a time? Only one terrorist attack
per year?++ Let them eat
cake: "[W]e are in power to serve
those without power." --Queen Hillary
From the "RINO Safari"
Files: "Tom's [Tom DeLay's] conduct
is hurting the Republican Party,
is hurting this Republican majority,
and it is hurting any Republican who
is up for re-election." --Connecticut
RINO Rep. Christopher Shays
This week's "Village Victimitis"
Award: "Nobody's had a simple life, but
I know many people who've had a normal
life, and what I mean by that is a life
without major crises and traumas, without
any deep psychological wounds.... There
are people who have been happily married
to the same person and I love to be with
them and I wish so much I'd met someone
with whom I would now be celebrating my
40th and 50th wedding anniversary. ... I
wasn't dealt the cards that would make it
possible for me to choose right for the
long haul." --Jane Fonda, in a sickening
display of self-pity
the Theo-Lib Files: "[Wisconsin Gov. Jim
Doyle's order to fly public building
flags at half-staff honoring Pope John
Paul II] appears like an endorsement of
Roman Catholicism over other religious
viewpoints." --Annie Laurie Gaylor,
co-president of the Freedom From
Religion Foundation
From the
"Anti-Christian Litigators Unit": "The
[Tangipahoa Parish] school board and its
superintendent cannot get away with a
shell game that mocks the judiciary and
its role of interpreting and upholding
the rule of law. ... Public schools
should be kept inclusive and secular
in keeping with our Founders' ideas for
religious liberty for all." --Joe Cook,
executive director of the Louisiana ACLU,
on his organization's recommendation
that school officials in New Orleans be
"fined or jailed" for failing to stop
prayer before a high school baseball game
in March.
This week's "Quid
Pro Homo" Award: "Anyone not blinded
by homophobia will recognize that the
President [Abraham Lincoln] who preserved
our republic was gay. It is time that
U.S. historical figures be emancipated
from the closet." --Malcolm Lazin,
executive director of pro-homosexuality
Equality Forum
From the
Dumb and Dumber Department: "I am not a
murderer." --Rapper Corey Miller upon
changing his stage name from C-Murder
to C Miller **Miller is behind bars,
appealing a conviction for second-degree
Dave Barry "As a taxpayer, you are
required to be fully in compliance with
the United States Tax Code, which is
currently the size and weight of the
Budweiser Clydesdales." --Dave Barry
++ "Taxation with representation
ain't so hot either." --Gerald Barzan
++ "Tax reform is taking the
taxes off things that have been taxed
in the past and putting taxes on things
that haven't been taxed before." --Art
Buchwald ++ "I don't know if
I can live on my income or not -- the
government won't let me try it." --Bob
"The liberal take on
Catholicism is that it's a controversial
religion because of its positions on
abortion, sodomy and various other
crucial planks of the Democrat platform
(curiously, positions that are shared
by all three of the world's major
religions)." --Ann Coulter
"Every politician knows that when you
don't have anything to say, shout it out.
This is the Democrat strategy in the
two big food fights consuming Washington
this week, plotted by the Democrat firm
of Obstruction, Encumbrance, Loiter,
Dally and Stall. Keep talking and maybe
something to say will turn up." --Wesley
"President Bush said
Friday he plans to make his income tax
cut permanent. It gives people a choice.
You can either have the three hundred
dollar rebate check mailed to your home
address or you can have it sent directly
to the gasoline station." --Argus
5,000 people attended the funeral of
Johnnie Cochran on Wednesday, including
O.J. Simpson, Michael Jackson, Jesse
Jackson, and Al Sharpton. Actually,
O.J. played a major role at the funeral,
as he led a slow speed procession to
the cemetery in a convoy of white Ford
Broncos." --Dennis Miller
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