Federalist Patriot No. 05-11
16 March 2005CONTENTS:
Federalist Patriot No. 05-11
Wednesday Chronicle
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"The Reformation was preceded by the discovery of America, as if the Almighty graciously meant to open a sanctuary to the persecuted in future years, when home should afford neither friendship nor safety." --Thomas Paine
"Freedom is independence of the compulsory will of another, and in so far as it tends to exist with the freedom of all according to a universal law, it is the one sole original inborn right belonging to every man in virtue of his humanity." --Immanuel Kant ++ "Freedom is not a gift received from the State or leader, but a possession to be won every day by the effort of each and the union of all." --Albert Camus
"Young man, the secret of my success is that at an early age I discovered I was not God." --Oliver Wendell Holmes
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." --Blaise Pascal
"The first destroyer of the liberties of a people is he who first gave them bounties and largess." --Plutarch
"Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment." --Ralph Waldo Emerson
"When your insurance company has to buy its way out of a frivolous lawsuit, guess whose premiums go up. When developers trying to build homes or apartment buildings get sued at every turn by environmental extremists, guess what that does to rents and mortgage payments." --Thomas Sowell
"The Iranians and the Syrians have worked like Siamese twins in a desperate effort to drive us out of Iraq, and the terror war will continue until somebody wins, and somebody loses. Either we defeat them, and drive them from power, or they will defeat us, and drive us out of Iraq, with all the terrible global consequences that would follow." --Michael Ledeen
"The appointment of John Bolton is of a piece with the shake-up strategy. The message he takes to New York is a simple one: George W. Bush is here, he's demanding change, and he's not going away. So get over it." --Wesley Pruden
"Let's be frank: These international bureaucracies don't work. The UN already is dealing with a sex scandal in the Congo, genocide in Sudan and the Oil-for-Food fiasco in Iraq. Why would we want to create more unaccountable international bureaucracies [with the Law of the Sea Treaty] and put them in charge of our oceans?" --Ed Fuelner
"There was a time when 'fear of God' meant piety, or at least conscience. Today, it more accurately describes the worldview of secular liberals who get itchy and twitchy at any reminder of our religious roots as a nation." --Mona Charen
"Currently the big fight is Social Security reform. The official Congressional Democratic [sic] leadership position is that there is no problem that a modest soak-the-rich tax increase couldn't fix. Well, as the current unfunded liability of Social Security is $3.7 trillion, we know with precision the minimum level of tax increase needed to fill that void -- $3.7 trillion. That would be the largest tax increase since ... well, since tax increases were invented by the pharaohs at the dawn of civilization. And we wouldn't even have a bunch of pointy buildings to show for it." --Tony Blankley
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"An estimated one million Syrian guest workers reside in Lebanon and remit their wages to relatives back home, and Syrian officials have plundered much of the international aid Lebanon received over the past decade. The Bekaa Valley also serves as a lucrative transit point for narcotics and other contraband. Without Lebanon, Syria's economy might collapse. So, too, might the Assad dynasty: Bashar's grip on power is far less sure than his father's, and the loss of prestige that a withdrawal from Lebanon would entail might well be politically fatal to him and the minority Allawite clique through which he rules. For Iran the stakes are strategic. Its elite Revolutionary Guards operate terrorist training camps in the Bekaa. Iran has also placed upward of 10,000 missiles in Lebanon, including the medium-range Fajr-5 rocket, bringing half of Israel within their reach. It thus maintains the option of igniting a new Mideast war at any moment, as well as a hedge against the possibility of a pre-emptive Israeli strike on its nuclear installations. Yet if Syria withdraws, no pro-independence Lebanese government will indulge Iran's military presence. The Lebanese have had enough of allowing their territory to serve, Belgium-like, as the battleground of choice for foreign powers. For Hezbollah, the stakes are greater still. During the years when Israel maintained a security zone in southern Lebanon, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah could present himself as a patriot fighting occupation. But Israel removed its forces from Lebanon in 2000, and now Nasrallah's support for Syrian occupation exposes a different set of motives: not patriotic, but Jihadist. And the last thing the Jihadists want is for Lebanon to again become a flourishing, pluralist, cosmopolitan Arab state. Syria's withdrawal would likely precipitate a Lebanese decision to enforce UN Resolution 520, which requires the Lebanese Army to patrol its border with Israel, a function now performed by Hezbollah. At length, it could lead to the disbanding of Hezbollah as an independent militia, though its terrorist wings would likely continue to operate." --The Wall Street Journal
Keen Sense of the Obvious?: "I must confess, I have sadly underestimated the Bush administration's sense of humor. Appointing John Bolton ambassador to the United Nations: boffo! What a laff riot! Hilarious comedy, a delicious romp, great setup for a sit-com. Bolton is known for being arrogant, humorless, self-righteous and confrontational, and he hates the United Nations. In other words, the perfect diplomat." --Molly Ivins **Exactly!
Shakespeare or Catwoman?: "When I need to work up my nerve to write a tough column, I try to think of myself as Emma Peel in a black leather catsuit, giving a kung fu kick to any diabolical mastermind who merits it. I try not to visualize myself as one of the witches in 'Macbeth,' sitting off to the side over a double, double toil and trouble, bubbling cauldron, muttering about what is fair or foul in the hurly burly of the royal court." --Maureen Dowd **Don't be so modest, Lady MacDowd -- you were made to wear a black pointy hat and stir the witches' brew.
This week's "Purveyor of Classism" Award: "U.S. senators are about to pass a bankruptcy bill so hostile to ordinary American families that it could only have come about in a place as corrupt, cynical and unmoored from reality as Washington, D.C. In a normal world, those elected to represent the interests of the people would have fought for bankruptcy legislation that would, well, represent the interests of the people." --Arianna Huffington **It is in the interest of the people for the government to butt out of the interests of the people.
From the "Department of Corrections": "Whatever one thinks of what we did or didn't do with the story in question here [Bush National Guard story], nobody broke the law, nobody lied. Depending on your point of view, it was a mistake, and who hasn't made a mistake somewhere along the line?" --Dan Rather
RINO Alert: "Well, usually when you talk about a mandate, you're talking about an overwhelming win. I don't think by any measurement the 2004 election was an overwhelming win. It was very, very close. It came down to Ohio. So I don't think [President Bush] can use the word 'mandate'." --Sen. Lincoln Chafee
"The American people do not like privatization. They are afraid of the debt the President's willing to do. And they don't like benefit cuts. And everyone here should understand all 45 Senate Democrats are united. We are not going to let this happen." --Harry Reid
"[Bob Dole] was the first Republican leader I worked with, and it is like coming back home." --Former Minority Leader Tom Daschle on joining the Washington office of law firm Alston & Bird, where former Senator Bob Dole already works
"The message is simple -- you can't trust Republicans with your money. We need to stay strong on that message." --Howard Dean **In other words, Democrats don't trust YOU with your money!
Sometimes they get it (mostly) right: "Are the priorities new tax cuts that aren't paid for, or new spending that isn't paid for, or is our priority to restore the solvency of the Social Security fund?" --Sen. Kent Conrad **Well, two good questions out of three from a Demo isn't bad!
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Just a tad "PC (Politically Challenged)": "It is with great pride and deep humility that I announce to you today my candidacy for the Senate of the United States." --Former NAACP President Kweisi Mfume announcing his 2006 candidacy for U.S. senate **"With great pride and deep humility"? That's a neat trick! We suppose he'll have to be bumped up to Demo-gogues now!++ "I can't be bought. I won't be intimidated, and I don't know how to quit." --Kweisi Mfume
From the "Confiscated Income" Files: "Arnold. Be the action hero I know you can be. Be strong. Stand up and confront the wealthiest 1 percent of Californians who have benefited $12 billion a year from the Bush tax cuts. ... It's called the haves giving a little more to the have-nots. Nobody likes taxes, but everybody likes a peaceful, compassionate, law-abiding, productive, protective society." --Actor Warren Beatty encouraging Governor Schwarzenegger to be Robin Hood and steal from the rich to redistribute to the poor
This week's "Quid Pro Homo" Award: "[Monday's] ruling is an important step toward a more fair and just California that rejects discrimination and affirms family values for all California families." --San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera on the judicial ruling by Judge Richard Kramer that California's ban on gay marriage is unconstitutional
"We are fighting for democracy in Iraq that we don't have in this country." --Rev. Je$$e Ja¢k$on urging renewal of the Voting Rights Act, with a nonsensical comparison likening Iraqi voters courageously facing down murderous insurgents to so-called "voter suppression" here
"I can understand why the transnational jet set -- the EU, the UN, the NGO neo-imperialists, the foreign correspondents for CNN, the BBC and so forth -- have a preference for strong, centralized states. The State Department was still in favor of keeping the Soviet Union together even after the Soviets had given up on it. It's a pain in the neck to have to update your Rolodex every half-century or so." --Mark Steyn
"Liberals have been completely intellectually vanquished. Actually, they lost the war of ideas long ago. It's just that now their defeat is so obvious, even they've noticed. As new DNC Chairman Howard Dean might say, it's all over but the screaming." --Ann Coulter
"The thought of [John Bolton] representing us at the United Nations is driving the Bush-bashing, French-kissing, Blame-America-First crowd...into a frenzy. ... If [he] just tell[s] the truth, Teddy Kennedy's head may finally explode." --Oliver North
"Some of our editorialists need a tablet or two of extra-strength Midol and other palliatives for cramps, bloating, headaches, tension, irritability and backache. They're having hot flashes now that President Bush is sending to New York a man who regards his job as first to look out for American interests. The New York Times, still in recovery from a full swoon, can't imagine a real American standing up straight, looking the nation's enemies in the eye and telling them to stuff it." --Wesley Pruden
"Dan Rather may claim to be an unbiased reporter but he can't ignore the fact that from beginning to end he and the Democrats have at least one thing in common -- rats. As in RATher and DemocRAT. Hardly a coincidence, wouldn't you say?" --Lyn Nofziger
David Letterman.... "Top Things Overheard During Bill Clinton's Hospital Stay": "A nurse is coming! Put him in the restraints!"; "Strange -- his veins have no blood. It's just Crisco."; "Five more heart surgeries and you'll tie Cheney!"; "What a lovely bouquet from Osama."; "For some reason, he always forgets the surgical gown opens in the back."; "Al Gore! When did you start working as an orderly?"
Jay Leno.... You know, our mayor's race [in L.A.] is kinda like the elections in Iraq. It's a lot of foreign-speaking people, in the desert, voting for people they've never heard of. .... Bill Clinton is going back into the hospital to repair some scar tissue from his heart operation. He's expected to be in the hospital from three to ten days, depending on what his nurses look like. .... [Last Wednesday was] Dan Rather's final night as the CBS anchorman. Seems like just yesterday he was making up his first story, doesn't it? .... Here's my question: Who quits on a Wednesday? Who makes their last day a Wednesday? [After] 24 years, he can't put in two more half-hours? .... I don't know what he's going to do now, but I think we can rule out joining the Texas Air National Guard. .... For all his years at CBS, the network gave Dan Rather a gold watch. Well, they told him it was gold -- you know, he'll believe anything. .... It was this week in 1836 that Texas declared its independence from Mexico. Now I understand California is thinking about doing the same thing.
Lex et Libertas -- Semper Vigilo, Paratus, et Fidelis! Mark Alexander, Publisher, for the editors and staff. (Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm's way around the world in defense of our liberty, and for the families awaiting their safe return.)
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