05-12 Chronicle
23 March 2005
Federalist Patriot No. 05-12
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"The battle, sir, is not to the strong
alone; it is to the vigilant, the active,
the brave." --Patrick Henry
INSIGHT "Freedom is not a luxury that we can
indulge in when at last we have security
and prosperity and enlightenment;
it is, rather, antecedent to all of
these, for without it we can have
neither security nor prosperity nor
enlightenment." --Henry Steele Commager
"There are those who believe
that a new modernity demands a new
morality. What they fail to consider
is the harsh reality that there is no
such thing as a new morality. There
is only one morality. All else is
immorality." --Theodore Roosevelt
"When great causes are on
the move in the world we learn we are
spirits, not animals, and that something
is going on in space and time, and beyond
space and time, which, whether we like
it or not, spells duty." --Winston
"If we abide
by the principles taught in the Bible,
our country will go on prospering and
to prosper; but if we and our posterity
neglect its instruction and authority,
no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe
may overwhelm us and bury all our glory
in profound obscurity." --Daniel Webster
"When a government takes
over a people's economic life it becomes
absolute, and when it has become absolute
it destroys the arts, the minds, the
liberties and the meaning of the people
it governs." --Maxwell Anderson
UPRIGHT "In cases like this one, where there
are serious questions and substantial
doubts, our society, our laws, and our
courts should have a presumption in favor
of life." --President George W. Bush
++ "Supporters of Michael
Schiavo's effort to end his wife's
life have asked how conservatives,
who claim to believe in the sanctity
of marriage, can fail to respect his
husbandly authority. The most obvious
answer is that a man's authority as a
husband does not supersede his wife's
rights as a human being -- a principle
we never thought we'd see liberals
question." --James Taranto ++
"The question is not whether the
suffering and dying person's life should
be terminated, the question is what
kind of nation will we become if they
are? Their physical death is preceded
only by our moral death!" --William
Federer ++ "It is too...easy
to be cavalier and heroic about 'dying
with dignity' when somebody else is doing
the dying." --Lawrence Henry
"Sadly, the highway bill that passed the
U.S. House of Representatives last week
was a pork-stuffed budget-buster. ... In
1987, Ronald Reagan vetoed a highway bill
he called a 'textbook example of pork
barrel politics.' That bill contained
152 earmarks. The 1998 highway bill,
the first one after Republicans took
control of Congress, had 1,850 -- more
than 12 times as many. This year's bill,
after 10 years of Republican control,
has more than 4,000." --Rep. John
"Given that
the two centuries of socialists'
experiments, whether by utopians,
Marxists, or Fabians, always ended in
economic failure and a loss of personal
liberty, why are people around the globe
still proudly proclaiming themselves
socialists?" --Richard Rahn
"It is a big mistake for us to grant any
validity to international law even when
it may seem in our short-term interest
to do so -- because, over the long
term, the goal of those who think that
international law really means anything
are those who want to constrict the
United States." --John Bolton
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"The 'right to die' has become
another liberal cause, part of the
'privacy' canon that extends through
Roe (abortion) and Lawrence
(homosexuality) and the Ninth Circuit's
views on assisted suicide that the
Supreme Court is taking up this
year. Of course, it gets a little
messy when someone is actually being
killed, and a husband with a conflict
of interest is the one who claims she
wanted to kill herself, but the Left
apparently believes these are mere
details that shouldn't interfere with
the broader cause. Thus the discovery of
federalism. Terri Schiavo's case is a
tragedy for her and her family. Beyond
the immediate question of whether she
lives or dies, her case may well have
the salutary effect of demonstrating
to the elites who want the right to
kill oneself embedded into law that
there is another side to the debate
that is going to be heard." --The
Wall Street Journal
DEZINFORMATSIA This week's "Media Misleadia"
Award: "Just a couple of things
about Ms. Schiavo's condition. She
has been in this vegetative state for
15 years. It is her parents who want
to keep her alive. They say she can
be rehabilitated. They also say that
she will now die a painful death,
though there does not seem to be any
support for that argument in the
medical community." --ABC's Peter
Jennings **We've seen the video,
Peter, and her condition is hardly
Eco-theology: "Even if people stopped
pumping out carbon dioxide and other
pollutants tomorrow, global warming would
still get worse, two teams of researchers
reported on Thursday. ... Virtually no
one disagrees human activity is fueling
global warming, and a global treaty
signed in Kyoto, Japan, aims to reduce
polluting emissions. But the world's
biggest polluter, the United States,
has withdrawn from the 1997 treaty,
saying its provisions would hurt
the U.S. economy." --Reuters "news"
service **Shame on us for not doing
something about an unproven something
we can't stop anyway!
This week's "Leftmedia Buster" Award:
"In journalism, diversity is a club
the left uses to increase the hiring
of lefties. Feminists say they want
more female columnists when what they
really want are only more liberal female
columnists. Or, in their lingo, they
want 'authentic' women. So when the left
pushes for more diversity in a profession
that is overwhelmingly liberal already,
it really is pushing for less diversity
of ideas." --Debra Saunders ++
This week's "Leftmedia Buster" II
Award: "The Los Angeles Times'
editorial...on the Terri Schiavo case
is so hysterical and over the top that
we have to wonder. The law saving her
from imminent starvation, the paper
opines, 'amounts to a constitutional
coup d'ètat.' We guess that means
the Florida judiciary is the legitimate
government of the United States. The
Times doesn't go so far as to
mention Hitler, but it does say that
'some social conservatives are happy
to see the federal government acquire
Stalinist proportions when imposing their
morality on the rest of the country.' So
saving one woman from starvation is
the equivalent of starving millions to
death." --James Taranto
Still on the old campaign trail:
"I say the war was wrong, unholy and
the administration has brought death,
destruction, chaos and corruption
to Iraq." --Rep. Dennis Kucinich
From the "Disorder in the
Courts" Department: "Why would we give
lifetime appointments to people who earn
up to $200,000 a year, with absolutely
a great retirement system, and all
the things all Americans wish for,
with absolutely no check and balance
except that one confirmation vote? So
we're saying we think you ought to get
nine votes over the 51 required. That
isn't too much to ask for such a
super-important position. There ought
to be a super vote. Don't you think
so? It's the only check and balance on
these people. They're in for life. They
don't stand for election like we do,
which is scary." --Sen. Barbara Boxer
**Like, maybe you'd like to amend our
super Constitution to require that super
vote -- don' t you think so?++
"They want us to approve William
Pryor. If you don't care about voting
rights then you're going to be for
William Pryor. They want to us approve
William Morris [sic]. Here is a person
that has been dedicated and commitment
[sic] to cut back on the environmental
protection of all the environmental laws
so that we cannot have clean air, clean
water...." --Ted Kennedy, who by the
way meant William Myers++
"An ill wind is blowing across this
country. That wind sows the seeds of
destruction. Our Constitution is under
attack. We must speak out. We must kill
this dangerous effort to rewrite our
precious Constitution." --Robert Byrd
(D-KKK) on the constitutional option
for confirming judges
for an Oscar: "The caption tonight ought
to be: We're not doctors, we just play
them on C-SPAN." --Rep Barney Frank on
opposing the law for Terri's family over
the weekend
This week's
"Blow Hard" Award: "We can't drill our
way to energy independence. We have to
invent our way there, by harnessing
the entrepreneurial spirit that made
our country great." --John Kerry
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From the "Village Academic Curriculum"
Files: "If we are to have safe and
nurturing schools where all children
can learn without fear of harassment,
we must step out of our comfort zone
and follow [homosexual proponent]
Malcolm Lazin's example to encourage
tolerance and respect for diversity
in our own backyard. Only then can
our nation truly stand for equality
for all people." --National Education
Association President Reg Weaver on
presenting the Virginia Uribe Award for
Creative Leadership in Human Rights to
Lazin, for his efforts contributing to
schoolchildren's indoctrination into
pro-homosexuality views.
This week's "Je$$e Jack$on 'I have a
$cheme' " Award: "The same people who
enjoy watching democracy in Iraq would
not fight for us to have the vote in
our own country. And Cheney, who voted
three times to keep Mandela in jail,
did not vote for democracy in South
Africa. So I am suspicious of their
motives for their newfound passion
for democracy. ... You have to hope
that the people [in Iraq] are better
off, but it is premature to arrive at
any conclusions that they are better
off. All we know is that they are dying,
daily." --Je$$e Jack$on
From the Global Village: "We are not
warmongers like U.S. leaders. They
are warmongers. They are after war,
but we are men of sacrifice." --Iran's
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
the Morally Challenged Department:
"For those [first eight] years,
Michael...had a desperate hope that
Terri would get better, despite the
doctors telling him that, you know,
Mike, there's nothing there, there is
no hope. He refused to believe it. It
took many, many years for Michael
to finally, I guess, come to reality
and believe that Terri was not coming
back." --George Felos, Michael Schiavo's
lawyer, responding to the question: why
didn't Michael act on Terri's "wishes"
to die before shacking up with another
woman seven years ago.
"Even if Paul Wolfowitz and John
Bolton weren't two of the more
far-sighted thinkers in the Bush
administration, appointing them
respectively to the World Bank and
the UN would be worth it just for the
pleasure of watching the Europeans,
the Democrats and the media go bananas
over it." --Mark Steyn
"The U.S. Senate passed a bankruptcy law
that makes it tougher to escape credit
card bills. It's high time. If people
want to spend money they don't have and
run up debts they can't repay they will
have to run for Congress like everybody
else." --Argus Hamilton
"For the life of me I don't know why
scalping tickets should be illegal. It
seems to me that buying low and selling
high is in the best American tradition;
it's what capitalism is all about. ... As
far as I'm concerned the only scalping
that ought to be illegal is what the
Indians used to do. That, when you stop
to think about it, is a real hair-raising
experience." --Lyn Nofziger
"In a study of public safety officers --
not even the general population -- female
officers were found to have 32 percent
to 56 percent less upper body strength
and 18 percent to 45 percent less lower
body strength than male officers --
although their outfits were 43 percent
more coordinated. ... Another study
I've devised involves asking a woman to
open a jar of pickles." --Ann Coulter
"[C]affeine can have serious
side effects if we ingest too much. This
fact was first noticed in ancient
Egypt when a group of workers, who were
supposed to be making a birdbath, began
drinking Egyptian coffee, which is very
strong, and wound up constructing the
pyramids." --Dave Barry
NIGHTLINES David Letterman.... "Top
Questions Congress Forgot To Ask Baseball
Players": "Who does Pete Rose have in
his NCAA pool?"; "Why is Bud Selig so
creepy?"; "Ever snort Rosin?"; "How will
all this affect the value of my baseball
card collection?"; "Mr. Palmiero, are
you more embarrassed by the steroid
scandal or those Viagra commercials?";
"Can we really call this a hearing
if none of you are saying anything?";
"Barney Frank wants to know if Johnny
Damon is single?"; "Can you think of
a better way to waste taxpayer money?"
Jay Leno.... Well folks, on the second anniversary of the
invasion of Iraq, gas prices in California have hit three dollars a
gallon in some places. Three dollars a gallon! Didn't we win that war? I
mean, I know there's no weapons of mass destruction, but apparently
there's no gas there either. .... Gas prices are so high,
Robert Blake and O.J. are forced to carpool in their search for the
real killers. .... Congress is investigating steroid use in
baseball. Apparently we've cured cancer and all the other problems
of the world so now were starting on this one. .... Congress
investigating steroids. It's kind of ironic, isn't it? Ted Kennedy asking
somebody how their head got so big. .... President Clinton is
recovering quite well. In fact, he just passed a stress test or, as he
called it, a weekend with Hillary.
Lex et Libertas -- Semper Vigilo, Paratus, et Fidelis! Mark
Alexander, Publisher, for the editors and staff. (Please pray for our
Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm's way around the world in defense
of our liberty, and for the families awaiting their safe return.)
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