Monday, April 25, 2005

05-17 Brief


25 April 2005
Federalist Patriot No. 05-17
Monday Brief

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"What is it that affectionate
parents require of their Children; for
all their care, anxiety, and toil on
their accounts? Only that they would
be wise and virtuous, Benevolent and
kind." --Abigail Adams



"[T]here is another strong objection
which I, one of the laziest of all
the children of Adam, have against
the Leisure State. Those who think
it could be done argue that a vast
machinery using electricity, water-power,
petrol, and so on, might reduce the work
imposed on each of us to a minimum.
It might, but it would also reduce
our control to a minimum. We should
ourselves become parts of a machine,
even if the machine only used those
parts once a week. The machine would
be our master, for the machine would
produce our food, and most of us could
have no notion of how it was really
being produced." --G.K. Chesterton



"Digging deeper, reporters will find
that (newly-elect Pope Joseph) Ratzinger
was involuntarily enrolled in the Hitler
youth in 1941 when it became mandatory
for all boys. He was 14-years-old at
the time and soon thereafter was able
to leave the organization to study
for the priesthood. Four years later,
as defeat closed in on the Nazi regime,
Young Ratzinger was drafted and forced
to assist with an anti-aircraft gun
and dig anti-tank trenches. But he
soon risked death by deserting. If
that tells us anything about the new
pope, it's that he will not fight for
a cause he does not believe in, but
will risk everything for one that he
does." --Brendan Miniter



"What is it that causes trouble
in marriages? It is amazing how
many people don't seem to know.
Essentially, it is one thing: Sin!
I don't care whether it the sin of pride,
hard-hearted unwillingness to forgive or
to humble oneself or to admit mistakes,
selfishness, lust, or whatever other
sin of infidelity there might be, all
of these are simply sins. The Word of
God is the great cleansing water that
washes away our sin and wears down
the rough edges in our personalities,
which makes us livable for other
people." --Dr. D. James Kennedy



"[T]he most effective weapon against
the disease has not been the AIDS lobby's
20-year promotion of condom culture in
Africa, but Uganda's campaign to change
behavior and to emphasize abstinence and
fidelity -- i.e., the Pope's position.
You don't have to be a Catholic or a
'homophobe' to think that the spread
of AIDS is telling us something basic
-- that nature is not sympathetic to
sexual promiscuity. If it weren't AIDS,
it would be something else, as it has
been for most of human history." --Mark

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"Few subjects are as important to
the future of America as a thorough
understanding and appreciation of
the U.S. Constitution by every school
student. It is not enough to simply
praise the document as one of the
foundations of our nation. It is
essential that students learn why
and how the Constitution governs the
structure and function of government.
It is crucial that students learn that
government is empowered by the consent
of the governed, not the other way
around. They must learn that this power
is transmitted to the government through
the election process and that they,
individually, bear the responsibility
to choose candidates who reflect
their views. They must learn that
freedom in America is the reason why
the nation has prospered. Freedom is
neither granted nor guaranteed by the
government. Government can only limit
freedom. Freedom is granted by the
Creator and guaranteed by responsible
individuals who hold their government
accountable. A thorough knowledge and
appreciation of the U.S. Constitution
is the first step toward becoming
a responsible citizen. The next
step is to act continually on that
knowledge, to keep government within
the limits of power to which the people
consent." --Henry Lamb



"When it's written, the history
of our time won't dwell long on
the hardships of the recent past.
But history will ask...Did a people
forged by courage find courage wanting?
Did a generation steeled by hard war
and a harsh peace forsake honor at
the moment of great climactic struggle
for the human spirit? ...[T]he answers
are to be found in the heritage left
by generations of Americans before us.
They stand in silent witness to what the
world will soon know and history someday
record: that in its third century, the
American Nation came of age, affirmed its
leadership of free men and women serving
selflessly a vision of man with God,
government for people, and humanity at
peace. ... For the West, for America,
the time has come to dare to show to
the world that our civilized ideas,
our traditions, our values, are not --
like the ideology and war machine of
totalitarian societies -- just a facade
of strength. It is time for the world
to know our intellectual and spiritual
values are rooted in the source of all
strength, a belief in a Supreme Being,
and a law higher than our own." --Ronald



"Conservative elected officials
increasingly find themselves caught
between two impulses: the revolutionary
ideas that brought them into power
and the need to explain and defend the
institutions they inherited. And the
longer these good men and women stay
in office, the more likely they will
be to defend the very bureaucracies
and policies against which they once
campaigned. The goal to transform
government will be gradually overwhelmed
by contentment with merely presiding
over it." --Former House Speaker Newt



"A day of decision is upon us.
Whether it was the legalization of
abortion, the banning of school prayer,
the expulsion of the 10 Commandments from
public spaces, or the starvation of Terri
Schiavo, decisions by the courts have not
only changed our nation's course, but
even led to the taking of human lives.
As the liberal, anti-Christian dogma
of the left has been repudiated in
almost every recent election, the courts
have become the last great bastion for
liberalism. For years activist courts,
aided by liberal interest groups like
the ACLU, have been quietly working
under the veil of the judiciary,
like thieves in the night, to rob
us of our Christian heritage and our
religious freedoms. Federal judges
have systematically grabbed power,
usurping the constitutional authority
that resides in the other two branches
of government and, ultimately, in the
American people." --Tony Perkins



"Earth Day (April 22) is traditionally
a day for the Left -- a celebration
of government's ability to deliver the
environmental goods and for threats about
the parade of horribles that will descend
upon us lest we rededicate ourselves
to federal regulators and public land
managers. This is unfortunate because
it's businessmen -- not bureaucrats or
environmental activists -- who deserve
most of the credit for the environmental
gains over the past century and who
represent the best hope for a Greener
tomorrow. Indeed, we wouldn't even have
environmentalists in our midst were
it not for capitalism. Environmental
amenities, after all, are luxury goods.
America -- like much of the Third World
today -- had no environmental movement
to speak of until living standards rose
sufficiently so that we could turn our
attention from simply providing for food,
shelter, and a reasonable education
to higher 'quality of life' issues.
The richer you are, the more likely
you are to be an environmentalist.
And people wouldn't be rich without
capitalism." --Jerry Taylor



"The Dems' efforts to beat [UN
ambassador nominee John] Bolton on
ideological grounds -- that he's too
pro-American and has 'disdain' for the
UN -- having failed, they turned to that
old standby, the politics of personal
destruction. Various bureaucrats alleged
that Bolton had hurt their feelings.
Most recently -- try not to laugh --
a woman who heads a group called Mothers
Opposing Bush claimed that Bolton 'chased
her through the halls of a Moscow hotel'
in 1994. The committee was supposed
to vote [last Tuesday] afternoon, but
Democrats urged a delay so they could
dredge up more silly stories." --James



"The liberal Air America Radio,
just past its first birthday, has
probably enjoyed more free publicity
than any enterprise in recent history.
But don't believe the hype: Air America's
left-wing answer to conservative talk
radio is failing, just as previous
efforts to find liberal Rush Limbaughs
have failed.... Look at Air America's
ratings: They're pitifully weak, even
in places where you would think they'd
be strong. WLIB, its flagship in New
York City, has sunk to 24th in the metro
area Arbitron ratings -- worse than the
all-Caribbean format it replaced, notes
the Radio Blogger." --Brian Anderson
in the Los Angeles Times

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"It is very hard these days to be a moderate politically, as well
as conservative on many social issues. There seems to be no middle
ground on any issue. While The Patriot attacks the liberal left
on the environment, you totally ignore the extremists on the political
right." --Westbrook, Connecticut
Editor's Reply: The
Leftmedia is using its print and TV monopoly to advance its dedicated
and relentless prosecution of "extremists on the political right" --
and, of course, if you are "moderate politically," they consider YOU
extreme right. Our purpose is to counter all that rhetoric, not add to
it. On the subject of extremism, we recall the words of Barry Goldwater
some 40 years ago, "I would remind you that extremism in the defense
of liberty is no vice!"

"'Eco-Theologists'? Excellent! I recall reading that moniker first
in The Patriot's pages many years ago. When people worship the
creation, rather than the Creator, earth worship is the inevitable
outcome. Secular humanism puts mankind at the top of the food chain,
because it preaches mankind is the ultimate arbiter of good and
evil. Therefore, as it says in Proverbs, there is a way that seems right
to a man, but the ends thereof are the ways of death. Earth-worshippers
are merely idolaters." --Princeton, New Jersey

"I consider myself a hardcore conservative and support President
Bush most of the time -- but I break with the Bush Administration on the
environment. He should take the high road, endorse the Kyoto treaty and
lead the way in slowing global warming instead of this inane complaint
that we won't move until everybody else moves and we 'don't want to lose
jobs because of environmental requirements'." Do the right thing! --Santa
Barbara, California
Editor's Reply: Most Americans
work to make ends meet, and unless you are independently wealthy,
that includes you. The Kyoto treaty threatens millions of existing
and potential U.S. jobs. As we noted in Patriot No. 05-16, "The
Orwellian Kyoto Protocol hamstrings Western industrialized nations but
exempts socialist states like India and China. (It should be noted that
the U.S. Senate resoundingly rejected Al Gore's beloved Kyoto Protocol
in 1997 by 95-0.)" China and India will run over the U.S. economy,
while we inhale their emissions. Explosive growth in these two nations
largely explains why gas prices are above $2 and will remain high.

"I wonder more and more each day why our soldiers fight and die,
fighting for Iraq's freedom, when the Iraqi people don't seem to
care enough about their freedom to help by, fighting along side our
troops." --San Francisco, California
Editor's Reply:
Turn off CNN! American and Allied Forces are NOT, first and foremost,
"fighting for Iraq's freedom." They are fighting for U.S. national
security interests and those of the free world, which was at great peril
as long as Saddam was still in power. Second, there are very positive
developments in Iraq, including successes by Iraqi security forces --
but you won't hear about them from the Leftmedia.

"Would you be kind enough to unsubscribe me from The Federalist
. Though I support you and your conservative cause, the
college administration has indicated they do NOT want faculty and staff
receiving e-mail from The Patriot." --Amherst, Massachusetts

Editor's Reply: Another fine example of "tolerance"
in the Ivy Tower!



"Krista Snook, who looks exactly
like that, seems to enjoy her job doing
airport security at the Harrisburg,
PA Airport a little too much. When my
rubber-soled Keds failed to set off
the magnatometer and give her an excuse
to feel me up, she still insisted on a
full-body search on the grounds that I
had not taken off my rubber-soled Keds
the first time through. ... It was like a
date with Ted Turner: whether you liked
it or not, your clothes were coming off
at some point. Ms. Snook took special
care in waving the wand over my barefeet
-- barefeet! -- but then quickly turned
to the main issue at hand: the risk of
an exploding bra. The last time I was
mauled like that, I at least got a couple
of cosmopolitans and a steak first. If I
were a Muslim extremist at Guantanamo,
Amnesty International would be issuing
alarmist press releases, HBO would be
casting their made-for-TV movie, 'A
Bra For Islam,' and George Soros would
be reaching for his checkbook." --Ann

Lex et Libertas -- Semper Vigilo, Paratus, et Fidelis! Mark
Alexander, Publisher, for the editors and staff. (Please pray for our
Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm's way around the world in defense
of our liberty, and for the families awaiting their safe return.)

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