Monday, April 18, 2005

05-16 Brief


18 April 2005
Federalist Patriot No. 05-16
Patriots Day Special Edition

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"Contemplate the mangled bodies
of your countrymen, and then say,
'What should be the reward of such
sacrifices?' Bid us and our posterity
bow the knee, supplicate the friendship,
and plough, and sow, and reap, to glut
the avarice of the men who have let
loose on us the dogs of war to riot in
our blood and hunt us from the face of
the earth? If ye love wealth better than
liberty, the tranquility of servitude
than the animating contest of freedom,
go from us in peace. We ask not your
counsels or arms. Crouch down and
lick the hands which feed you. May
your chains sit lightly upon you, and
may posterity forget that ye were our
countrymen!" --Samuel Adams



"Today, we need a nation of Minutemen,
citizens who are not only prepared to
take arms, but citizens who regard the
preservation of freedom as the basic
purpose of their daily life and who
are willing to consciously work and
sacrifice for that freedom." --John
F. Kennedy



"We have grasped the mystery of
the atom and rejected the Sermon on
the Mount....The world has achieved
brilliance without conscience. Ours is
a world of nuclear giants and ethical
infants." --General Omar Bradley


DAY 2005

In honor of those brave Patriots
who, on 19 April 1775, at Lexington and
Concord, fired the opening volley for
American liberty -- and those Patriots
who continue in that tradition today,
shouldering the burden of American
liberty, particularly those on the
warfront with Jihadistan. (We invite
you to visit The Patriot's
Historic Documents pages ( href="http://FederalistPatriot.US/histdocs/">http://FederalistPatriot.US/histdocs/)
for additional resources on America's

Concord HymnRalph Waldo Emerson

By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to
April's breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood

And fired the shot heard round the world.

The foe long since in silence slept;
Alike the conqueror
silent sleeps;
And Time the ruined bridge has swept
the dark stream which seaward creeps.

On this green bank, by this soft stream,
We set to-day a
votive stone;
That memory may their deed redeem,
like our sires, are sons are gone.

Spirit, that made those heroes dare
To die and leave their
children free,
Bid Time and Nature gently spare
The shaft
we raise to them and thee.

Patriots Day Quotes

"These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier
and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the
service of his country; but he that stands it NOW deserves the love
and thanks of man and woman." --Thomas Paine ++ "Patriotism
itself is a necessary link in the golden chains of our affections and
virtue." --Stephen Decatur ++ "Is life so dear or peace so
sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it,
Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me,
give me liberty or give me death!" --Patrick Henry ++ "The tree
of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots
and tyrants. It is its natural manure." --Thomas Jefferson

Restore the foundations!

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"[M]arriage is threatened not by
divorce, but by people not marrying in
the first place -- as is increasingly
the case in the two European societies
that have redefined marriage to include
couples of the same sex. Our present
high divorce rate is not stopping the
vast majority of Americans from wanting
to marry. Nor should it. Nothing
provides the antidote to narcissism,
or the environment for the healthy
raising of children, or the way for
people to take care of one another, as
does the marriage of a man and a woman.
And while most divorces are terribly
sad, divorce itself no more undermines
the institution of marriage than car
crashes undermine the institution of
driving. In fact, the vast majority of
people who do divorce deeply wish to
marry again; painful divorce has not
undermined marriage even among those
who have divorced. There may be honest
reasons to support the redefinition of
marriage to include same-sex couples. The
argument that heterosexuals divorce a
lot is not one of them. It is, in fact,
demagoguery." --Dennis Prager



"[E]ssentially modern post-Christian
Europe, and Canada, and large parts of
the United States...have replaced the
traditional impulses of civilization,
which is to breed, and to prosper, and
to expand and survive with a culture
of narcissism. You know, I'd like to
have...meaningless, promiscuous sex, and
just think about myself all day long,
and all week long, and all year long.
But in the end, when you prioritize that,
you actually destroy the culture that
enables it. It's a completely absurd
culture and brazen. And that's what
we've done. ... Because the fact of the
matter is...most societies have built
into their DNA the need to survive,
the need to prosper, and the need to
reproduce. And we have managed to lose
that in an extraordinary short period of
time, and quite remarkably. ... And so
it's a simple, foolish, self-defeating
sort of selfishness to carry on like
that." --Mark Steyn



"In recent weeks there have been
stories about automobile companies
installing 'black boxes' in their cars
without informing car buyers. These
will record all kinds of information
that could be made available to the
government, including speed, miles
traveled, miles per gallon and so
forth. Worse, they could be rigged to
record conversations, and there goes
your privacy. Some cars already have
these black boxes. There's nothing like
having a government spy riding around in
your car with you, which is what this
amounts to. Today, more than ever,
Big Brother is intent on watching us,
listening to us, gathering personal
information about us. Anything to
keep us in line. We zipped past l984
24 years ago but more and more it's
looking as if somewhere down the road
we made a U-turn." --Lyn Nofziger



"You and I know and do not believe
that life is so dear and peace so sweet
as to be purchased at the price of chains
and slavery. If nothing is worth dying
for, when did this begin...? Should
Moses have told the children of Israel
to live in slavery under the pharaohs?
Should Christ have refused the cross?
Should the patriots of Concord Bridge
have thrown down their guns and refused
to fire the shot heard round the world?
The martyrs of history were not fools,
and our honored dead who gave their lives
to stop the advance of the Nazis didn't
die in vain!" --Ronald Reagan



"The outraged-at-Bolton caucus has a
problem, which is that anything Bolton
has said about the UN appears mild given
recent UN malfeasance. He never said that
UN peacekeepers would rape children in
the Congo. He never said the UN would
engage in insider dealing to rip off
its own Oil-for-Food program in Iraq.
He never said the UN would institute
what appears to be a cover-up of its
Oil-for-Food wrongdoing. But this all
happened, which is why even Kofi Annan
says the UN needs a thorough overhaul.
Democrats who oppose Bolton are in effect
more deliriously pro-UN than even the
secretary general." --Rich Lowry



"When he refused to bow and grovel
before the federal judiciary, [Judge
Roy] Moore was suspended as Alabama's
chief justice. In November 2003,
he was tried before a judicial ethics
panel. Moore's position was elegant
in its simplicity: I took an oath to
defend the Alabama Constitution, which
acknowledges God as the foundation of
our laws. Therefore, as the state's
chief judicial officer, I am bound to
affirm that truth, which I have done
with my Ten Commandments statue. And,
by the way, I'm not required to go along
with the federal judiciary's convenient
misinterpretations of the Constitution.
Based on his intransigence here, Moore
was removed from office. ...[W]e are in a
constitutional crisis created by activist
judges intent on mandating homosexual
marriage (thereby deconstructing the
American family), taking God out of
the Pledge of Allegiance, abetting
pornographers in flooding the country
with filth, enshrining abortion-on-demand
as the penultimate right, making
Americans subject to foreign laws,
and rewriting our history to transform
America into one (secular) nation, under
their heel. To save the Constitution
and representative government will take
a thousand Roy Moores, all echoing the
words of Thomas Jefferson (author of our
nation's founding document) 'To consider
the judges as the ultimate arbiters of
all constitutional questions (is) a very
dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which
would place us under the despotism of an
oligarchy.' It has." --Don Feder



"Liberals enjoy claiming that they
are intellectuals, thrilled to engage in
a battle of wits. This, they believe,
distinguishes them from conservatives,
who are religious fanatics who react with
impotent rage to opposing ideas. As one
liberal, Jonathan Chait, put the cliche
in the New Republic: Bush is an
'instinctive anti-intellectual' and his
administration hostile to 'fact-driven
debate.' In a favorable contrast,
Clinton is 'the former Rhodes scholar
who relished academic debates.' Showing
his usual reverence for fact-checking,
The New York Times' Paul Krugman
says the Republican Party is 'dominated
by people who believe truth should be
determined by revelation, not research.'
I'm not sure how these descriptions
square with the fact that liberals keep
responding to conservative ideas by
throwing food. ... Last October, two
liberals responded to my speech at the
University of Arizona -- during question
and answer, no less -- by charging the
stage and throwing two pies at me from
a few yards away. Fortunately for me,
liberals not only argue like liberals,
they also throw like girls. ...[W]hen
conservative speakers are physically
attacked on college campuses, university
administrators ignore the attacks,
Democrat prosecutors somehow manage to
get the charges dismissed, and Democrat
flacks like Chait and Krugman pretend
they missed the news that day. ... But
these Rhodes scholar geniuses with a
taste for 'fact-driven debate' can't even
achieve the level of argument practiced
by the average juvenile delinquent.
They're still stuck at the intellectual
level of 2-year-olds in high chairs
throwing food." --Ann Coulter



"I have been a card-carrying
Republican since 1963, when my candidate
Barry Goldwater suggested cutting off
the northeast and letting it float out
to sea. It was a good idea back then,
and it still has some merit. Too many
Republicans up there are born without
backbones -- which in the Republican
Party is a communicable disease.
Any other Republicans currently
feeling their knee muscles turning to
jelly should wrap their knees tightly,
stick a ramrod up their dorsal side and
get back in the fight. They should
remember the political maxim that
while the law will take care of the
guilty, when a politician is innocent
of the charges being thrown at him,
he can only be brought down by his own
side. ... Human sacrifice had been almost
completely extinguished with the passing
of the Aztecs -- until the Republican
Party came along. ... If a party can be
stampeded -- by phony charges and a run
of shoddy stories in whorish newspapers
-- into dumping their most effective
congressional leader, I wouldn't give
two cents for their near term future.
A party that would voluntarily cut off
its own [manhood] and FedEx them to
their opponent as a trophy is not likely
to manifest any regenerative powers.
That's the thing about losing those
organs." --Tony Blankley

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"Phase One of the road map was
supposed to be completed in May, 2003.
It called for 'ending terror and
violence, normalizing Palestinian life
and building Palestinian institutions.'
Since not one of these objectives has
been realized, even in the 'pre-road
map' period, how could anyone other
than a cockeyed optimist believe that
the Palestinians are serious about
co-existing with Israel? Sharon has
repeatedly said that moving forward
depends on these steps. Yet he
acknowledges the problem of continuing
terror, although at different levels
of intensity. So, if it is a condition
for 'moving forward' that the terror
completely stop, but yet the terror
continues, why is Israel moving forward
anyway? Doesn't he make the case against
the very policy he is implementing, which
includes the uprooting of thousands of
Jews in Gaza (along with the evacuation
of their cemeteries and synagogues)?
It was none other than Sharon who urged
these Jews to live in Gaza in the first
place. The flaw from the beginning has
been the belief that what Israel does
or doesn't do affects the conduct of
her enemies, whose policy remains the
elimination of Israel -- by hook, by
crook or by road map." --Cal Thomas



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"Tuesday 19 April is Patriots Day. Remember to fly your flag. It
commemorates the battles of Lexington and Concord (the Shot Heard Round
the World). And for those who forgot their American History and Civics,
the cause was the Massachusetts governor's attempt to disarm the citizens
of Boston." --Boston, Massachusetts

"The IRS -- I find it interesting that when you combine the words in
the above subject line it becomes 'THEIRS'!" --Baton Rouge, Louisiana

"I keep reading that there are no WMD's in Iraq -- but that claim
is patently false. My unit has found many WMD's -- silk-worm missiles
with sarin gas, for example. Soldiers have been killed trying to disarm
these weapons. We find the weapons in small numbers -- 2 or 3 at a time,
here and there, which does not constitute 'stockpiles,' but WMD ARE
here." --USA, Iraq

"I have a question regarding 'Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of
Happiness.' My son is being hounded by the establishment for child
support in excess of $19,000. This is for a child (one night stand)
that he never wanted in the first place. He has never seen the child
nor wants to, the woman made the choice to keep and raise this child,
he had no choice in the matter. Now our government is trying to extort
money from him to pay or go to jail. Roe v Wade gave women the right
to choose, and this country is based on equality and men should be
granted the same right to choose. I realize this is an emotional issue
and that many feel 'the best interest of the child syndrome.' Women
fought for equality and won, however they still want men to pay for
their mistakes. Very wrong I say! I would appreciate your take on this
subject." --(Somewhere on Venus)
Editor's Reply: Your
son "had no choice in the matter." Where was he on the night HIS child
(YOUR grandchild) was conceived? "Men should be granted the same right to
choose"? He exercised that right when he chose to have sex. "The best
interest of the child syndrome"? You obviously have no symptoms of that
unfortunate malady. "Women want men to pay for their mistakes"? I assume
you are suggesting the "mistake" was the mother of your grandchild?
No wonder there are so many angry feminists! Conservatives, if they
stand for anything, stand for personal responsibility as the bedrock
of liberty. Perhaps you should have addressed this letter, "Dear
Hillary"? What planet are you from? That's our "take on this subject."

"Please know how much I appreciate The Federalist Patriot
and thank you from this war veteran for the great work you are doing. I
look forward to every edition. May God bless The Patriot staff
and your families. May He bless our gallant, long-suffering, patient,
brave fighting forces that keep us free. May He continue to bless this
wonderful, free country in which we live. For, as He is my witness,
if I were 35 years younger, I'd go fight for her once again." --Chicago,



"The United Nations won't achieve the
reform it needs without strong, engaged
American leadership. That's where a
rock-solid guy like John Bolton comes in.
The United States is the UN's biggest
donor, paying more than 20 percent of
the budget. We need to start getting
a decent 'return' on the $2 billion a
year that U.S. taxpayers send to the
United Nations and its affiliates.
We also need an ambassador in New York
who can tangle with the increasingly
powerful (and confident) Chinese,
the ornery Russians and the (always)
cranky French on the Security Council.
It's not a moment too soon for strong,
effective -- bold -- American leadership
at the United Nations. The world's
largest international institution is in
serious need of some 'tough love' --
and the smart money says John Bolton
is the right man to give it." --Peter

Lex et Libertas -- Semper Vigilo, Paratus, et Fidelis! Mark
Alexander, Publisher, for the editors and staff. (Please pray for our
Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm's way around the world in defense
of our liberty, and for the families awaiting their safe return.)

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