Monday, March 28, 2005

05-13 Brief


28 March 2005
Federalist Patriot No. 05-13
Monday Brief

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"The God who gave us life, gave us
liberty at the same time; the hand of
force may destroy, but cannot disjoin
them." --Thomas Jefferson



"The Modern world is full of the
old Christian virtues gone mad. The
virtues have gone mad because they have
been isolated from each other and are
wandering alone. Thus some scientists
care for truth; but their truth is
pitiless. And thus some humanitarians
care only for pity; but their pity is
often untruthful." --G.K. Chesterton



"We must not suppose that even if
we succeeded in making everyone nice
we should have saved their souls. A
world of nice people, content in their
own niceness, looking no further,
turned away from God, would be just as
desperately in need of salvation as
a miserable world -- and might even
be more difficult to save. For mere
improvement is no redemption, though
redemption always improves people even
here and now and will, in the end,
improve them to a degree we cannot yet
imagine." --C.S. Lewis



"We can argue endlessly about whether
[Terri] Schiavo's existence passes
our own personal muster for 'quality
of life,' and argue we should. What
bitter decision is this, to let a woman
die? What question more deserving of
our sweat and tears? But the fact that
Schiavo's fate has rested in the hands of
a man who is her husband in title only
is both mystifying and maddening. If
we resolve nothing else, some of our
energy will be well spent examining
the criteria used to determine who is
best qualified to protect a disabled
person's interests. Michael Schiavo,
who was Terri Schiavo's husband when
she suffered a heart attack and severe
brain damage 15 years ago, today lives
with another woman with whom he has
had two children. Except that he has
never sought a divorce from Terri --
and therefore by law has final say
over her life -- he is by no normal
definition her 'husband.' Put another
way, we can safely bet that if Terri
Schiavo were aware that her husband was
parking his shoes under another woman's
dust ruffle, she likely would declare
her marriage kaput. That Michael Schiavo
still has authority to end her life, or
'let her die' as we prefer to call it,
adds injury to the insult that has become
her existence." --Kathleen Parker



"Over a decade ago, the feminist
flibbertyjibbit Naomi Wolfe -- who,
recall, advised Al Gore to dress like an
alpha male -- had condemned UN Ambassador
Jeane Kirkpatrick because she wrote in
'a voice so Olympian, so neck-up and
uninflected by the experiences of the
female body, that the subtle message
received by young female writers
is: to enter public voice, one must
abide by the no-uterus rule.' Ah,
yes, Ms. Kirkpatrick's analysis of
totalitarianism would have been much
improved if she'd been more cognizant of
her status as a utero-American. In fact,
there are whole branches of feminism
that are based upon the assumption
that women are sufficiently different
that 'diversity' -- the topmost good
in the left's pyramid of virtue --
cannot be served unless women are in
the room. ... I think this gets to
the heart of what's really going on
here. Few women, feminist or not, truly
believe there is no objective difference
between men and women, though there's
obviously a lot of room to disagree on
the nature of those differences. But some
women -- and fellow-traveling males --
are perfectly happy to use the charge
of sexism or 'insensitivity' to get
what they want. The great thing about
insensitivity is that it's basically
defined as whatever hurts the feelings of
women who claim to have their feelings
hurt. This allows them to turn on and
off their moral outrage depending upon
their agenda." --Jonah Goldberg

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"The Iraqis were supposed to be giving
the U.S. and democracy the midfinger
salute. Somehow, the stink-finger of
dismissive hostility to the very notion
of liberty became the [purple] ink-finger
of proud free expression. Iraqis turned
out in droves. Upward of 8 million walked
miles, thronged 6,000 polling stations,
stood in line for hours, made their
choices -- and rejoiced in the streets
for longer hours thereafter. Iraqi
voter turnout was higher than usual
turnout in the U.S. ... Thirty-five
Iraqis died -- a measure of Iraqi
courage and sacrifice. And in all,
1,500 Americans have died -- testimony
to their courage and sacrifice equal
to that of the millions of millions of
Americans who preceded them on behalf
of liberty for millions from Germany
and France to South Korea and Japan,
and of course ultimately for the liberty
of nearly 300 million now living in the
United States. Some things are worth
fighting and dying for, liberty foremost
among them." --Ross Mackenzie



"Unfortunately, in the last two
decades we've experience an onslaught
of such twisted logic that if Alice
were visiting America, she might think
she'd never left Wonderland. We're told
that it somehow violates the rights of
others to permit students in school
who desire to pray to do so. ... We
can and must respect the rights of
those who are non-believers, but we
must not cut ourselves off from this
indispensable source of strength and
guidance." --Ronald Reagan



"Let's start off talking about the
entrepreneur with a brief discussion
of the sources of income. Some of the
rhetoric one hears gives the impression
that income is somehow distributed --
that there's a dealer of dollars. Thus,
one might think that the reason some
Americans have more income than others
is that the dollar dealer is a racist,
a sexist or a multi-nationalist who deals
out dollars unfairly. Alternatively,
some suggest that the reason that some
Americans are richer than others is
because they got to the pile of money
first and took an unfair share. In
either case, justice requires that
government take the ill-gotten gains
of the few and restore them to their
rightful owners -- in other words,
redistribute income. While no one
actually describes the sources of
income this way, the logic of their
arguments for redistribution implies
such a vision. ... I might add that
income redistribution is simply a legal
version of what a thief does -- namely,
take the rightful property of one person
for the benefit of another. The primary
distinction between his behavior and
that of Congress is legality." --Walter



"The difference between the more
traditional sports clubs and Congress
is that Congress doesn't really compete
against another team. All of the players
seem to be on the same team. Call them
the 'Capital Spenders.' Occasionally,
the taxpayers give them some opposition,
but like any team that opposed the
Harlem Globetrotters, the taxpayers
never win. ...[For example,] Congress
is spending $35,000 for a weight loss
demonstration program for 1,000 federal
employees at the Department of Health
and Human Services in Washington, DC. The
program will use the latest technology,
including a private automated weigh
station to track participants' progress;
daily e-mail support on nutrition and
exercise; and education and detailed
instruction on exercise techniques,
meal ideas and motivational success
stories. It's one thing to have weigh
stations for heavy trucks on the highway,
but do we need weigh stations for federal
employees? How about if they eat less and
exercise? There, I just saved taxpayers
$35,000." --Cal Thomas



"Liberals' newfound respect
for 'federalism' is completely
disingenuous. People who support
a national policy on abortion are
prohibited from ever using the word
'federalism.' I note that whenever
liberals talk about 'federalism' or
'states' rights,' they are never talking
about a state referendum or a law passed
by the duly elected members of a state
legislature -- or anything voted on by
the actual citizens of a state. What
liberals mean by 'federalism' is: a state
court ruling. Just as 'choice' refers
to only one choice, 'the rule of law'
refers only to 'the law as determined
by a court'. As a practical matter,
courts will generally have the last word
in interpreting the law because courts
decide cases. But that's a pragmatic
point. There is nothing in the law,
the Constitution or the concept of
'federalism' that mandates giving courts
the last word. Other public officials,
including governors and presidents,
are sworn to uphold the law, too." --Ann

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"[Dick] Cheney, of course, has been
instrumental in promoting freedom and
democracy abroad, but he's also been
a key player in selling supply-side
tax cuts, personal savings accounts for
Social Security, legal-abuse tort reform,
energy reform, and other market-oriented
policies at home. ... Cheney's basic
belief system has been set in stone
for more than three decades. Second,
he is a highly effective communicator,
having trounced Joe Lieberman and John
Edwards during the vice presidential
debates. Third, Cheney possesses one of
the widest and deepest knowledge-bases of
government policy of anyone in Washington
today. His ability to get things done
-- often amidst fractious debates on
domestic and international policy --
is well documented. This is the true
source of Cheney envy. It has frequently
been observed that the Republicans have
all the good ideas nowadays and that the
Democrats have virtually none. But you'd
be correct if you said Bush and Cheney
not only generated these ideas, but
also put them into action. Does anyone
seriously doubt that Cheney is the most
qualified person, in either party, to be
our next president?" --Larry Kudlow



"You know [John] Bolton is a good
choice [for U.S. ambassador to the UN]
from the reaction of soft-on-the-UN
internationalists such as Sen. Richard
Lugar, the Indiana Republican whose
record indicates he'd like to make the
U.S. just another member of a world-wide
community of nations. ... Lugar, who
is chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee and a strong
proponent of the disastrous Law of
the Sea treaty, has made known his
disapproval of Bolton by saying he was
going 'to reserve any comments about
the appropriateness' of the president's
choice of Bolton. ... Lugar's problem
with Bolton is that he, Bolton, not only
is a conservative but also is someone
who puts America's interests first. Of
all things, places and people, Bolton's
appointment has won the approval of
Washington Post columnist Anne
Applebaum, who likes his bluntness and
also likes the fact that he 'is one of
the few people in public life willing
to draw the distinction between what
the United Nations actually is and what
everybody would like it to be.' If,
as expected, Bolton is confirmed by the
Senate, he may well turn out to be this
nation's best ambassador to the UN since
Jeane Kirkpatrick." --Lyn Nofziger



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"As a regular browser of articles at, I ran across
your Resurrection Day essay on the Mt. Soledad War Memorial. I have
been waiting for someone to articulate so clearly the conundrum I have
been wrestling with myself. Your assessment of the legal standing of
atheists was brilliant, and your citation of the Founding Fathers'
true intent -- especially the quote from John Adams -- was on target.
I appreciate the voice of sanity that your column has in the midst
of the new persecution of Christians by the atheists and liberal
courts." --Boston, Massachusetts

"If the courts have become unjust, how can justice be restored? I
have yet to hear anyone suggest a remedy, although there's certainly no
quibbling with the diagnosis. Our republic is sick, and judicial tyranny
is the disease. How do we get well?"
Editor's Reply: There
are Constitutional means for restoring justice, starting with judicial
impeachment, but as Jefferson noted, that's a "scarecrow" because few
senators would have the courage to follow through in sufficient numbers
to actually remove judges who "interpret" the Constitution (amending it
by judicial diktat). In the end, Jefferson noted that "tree of liberty
must be refreshed..." and as Justice Joseph Story aptly reminded, the
Second Amendment is the "palladium of all other rights." That is why
The Patriot advocates for the Second Amendment above all others.

"I am 16, and every time I get a paycheck a huge chunk of it is
withheld, in taxes and Social Security. Out of $200, I might get $140
or $150 of it. The Social Security tax is by far the largest, and
least understandable. The rest of the money goes to the government --
the members of which I'm not allowed to vote for -- to give handouts
to things like government schools I don't attend! Oh well, I suppose
I should be happy that I'm retaining three-quarters of my minimum wage
check. I hear it get worse the more I make." --Lancaster, Massachusetts

"I cannot speak highly enough of your publication; it not only
serves the American public well, but indeed the entire freedom loving
world. Highly motivating and insightful, I find it a welcome reminder
that I am not alone in my thoughts and feelings. I especially appreciate
your clear understanding and advocacy of Americans' Second Amendment
Rights. Unfortunately, while the Australian people have a fearsome
reputation when provoked, the majority of Australians are often too
lackadaisical when it comes to defending or upholding their god given
rights. Too many times we have capitulated when we should have stood
solid in the face of tyrannical oppression! Our violent crime rate
is second to no other western society, yet (or because) we are not
permitted to own any weapon for self defense. Thanks for unifying and
motivating patriots around the world!" --Queensland, Australia

"As one of many Canadians who appreciate having the U.S. as
our neighbour, largest trading partner, supporter in tough
times, closest ally and closest friend, I write to acknowledge
General Pitman's letter as published in The Patriot at href="http://FederalistPatriot.US/news/sorry.asp.">http://FederalistPatriot.US/news/sorry.asp.
He has expressed a view that many of us share and one which, in part,
underwrites our respect for the sacrifices made by your great country
in the defence of freedom. My thanks to General Pitman. He has my
support and he has my respect." --Lieutenant General (ret.), Canadian
Air Force



"If you want to see how the diversity
movement is eroding the critical
thinking skills of college students,
just pick up a copy of your local college
newspaper. Recently, I picked up a copy
of the UNCW Seahawk. I'm still
recovering. In the Seahawk 'To
the Editor' section, I read a letter
entitled 'Get over it -- diversity
is good for you.' The testy (not to
mention condescending) author of the
letter was responding to another letter
writer who opposed lower admission
standards as a means of increasing
black enrollment. The response said,
in part, 'You assume we would have
to lower UNCW's standards of academic
excellence to allow a higher entry of
minority students -- insinuating that
there aren't a large amount of minority
students that meet the standard set
at UNCW.' Re-read that statement and
think about it for a moment. A student
defending our diversity program, which
already uses lower admissions standards
for minorities, is saying; 1) we don't
have to lower academic standards to
allow more minority students, and 2)
there are already large numbers of
minority students that meet university
standards. ... [Liberals] know that
every time the 'help' takes the form of
lowering standards, they are contributing
to negative stereotypes of the group they
claim to assist. That makes them feel
bad, so they remind us that their ideas
are not really necessary. They are just
'good for us all'." --Mike Adams

Lex et Libertas -- Semper Vigilo, Paratus, et Fidelis! Mark
Alexander, Publisher, for the editors and staff. (Please pray for our
Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm's way around the world in defense
of our liberty, and for the families awaiting their safe return.)

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