05-011 Colleiate Patriot Brief
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14 March 2005CONTENTS:
Federalist Patriot No. 05-11
Monday Brief
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"It is a singular advantage of taxes on articles of consumption that they contain in their own nature a security against excess. They prescribe their own limit, which cannot be exceeded without defeating the end purposed -- that is, an extension of the revenue." --Alexander Hamilton
"If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress. ... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited Government established by the people of America." --James Madison
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"Religion has always been central to our national identity. Religious references do not violate the First Amendment, which was never intended to bar all religious expression or discussion from national discourse. James Madison himself, the author of the First Amendment, was sworn in with his left hand on the Bible. So was George Washington, and, I believe, every president since. The Ten Commandments provide the very foundation of our nation's legal code. They also make up the basis of the moral values that thankfully guide us in our everyday lives." --Lawrence Kudlow
"I believe one major reason a lot of American kids became unmanageable brats and teenagers in the 1960s came from battle-wearied soldiers standing on Europe's shores. They awaited a ship to take them home after the WWII. They were so grateful to be going home alive, so grateful for the families or future families awaiting them, they made a promise: 'My kids are never going to have a tough life like the one I've just lived. Things are going to be better for them.' Unfortunately...they made life too easy for their children. It resulted in unchallenged kids, insecure, undisciplined youths. Kids need to be challenged. The only way to gain self-respect and a sense of self-reliance is to take a chance. ... We created a risk-free society so our kids didn't have the chance to face challenges. By doing so, we removed their opportunity to develop character -- and now we don't like the lack of character. We want them to be people we can trust. It is because our kids have had the chance to develop character removed from them that a large majority believe it is okay to cheat. That is our legacy to America's youth. How sad! Someone ought to give the senior citizens who thought sixties' escapism into drugs was cool -- the people who caused this problem -- a good spanking!" --Marilyn Barnewall
"[T]oday, it is not coincidental that America, the country that most thinks in terms of good and evil, is the country that most affirms Judeo-Christian values. In the contemporary Western world, most people who identify with the Left -- meaning the majority of people -- hate war, corporations, pollution, Christian fundamentalists, economic inequality, tobacco and conservatives. But they rarely hate the greatest evils of their day, if by evil we are talking about the deliberate infliction of cruelty -- mass murder, rape, torture, genocide and totalitarianism. ... Ask leftists what they believe humanity must fight against, and they will likely respond global warming or some other ecological disaster (and perhaps American use of armed force as well). In fact, the Left throughout the world generally has contempt for people who speak of good and evil. They are called Manichaeans, moral simpletons who see the world in black and white, never in shades of grey." --Dennis Prager
"President Bush's speech to the National Defense University in Virginia Tuesday was a first-rate definition of what freedom means to the West. The larger question is: Does it mean the same thing to the Islamic fascists in the Middle East and other parts of the world? These fanatics believe the United States, Britain and the rest of the West are the ones in bondage. They note our promiscuity, our abortions, our obsession with homosexuality, our television, our provocative way of dressing and they wonder who is really free? Can Muslim nations with religious and political dictatorships be liberated in the same way communist nations were set free? Are there millions of people who would live, worship and vote differently if they could think and act for themselves?" --Cal Thomas
"A number of years ago, I heard a young father, a very prominent young man in the entertainment world, addressing a tremendous gathering in California. It was during the time of the Cold War, and Communism and our own way of life were very much on people's minds. And he was speaking to that subject. And suddenly, though, I heard him saying, 'I love my little girls more than anything.... And I said to myself, 'Oh, no, don't. You can't -- don't say that.' But I had underestimated him. He went on: 'I would rather see my little girls die now, still believing in God, than have them grow up under Communism and one day die no longer believing in God.' There were thousands of young people in that audience. They came to their feet with shouts of joy. They had instantly recognized the profound truth in what he had said, with regard to the physical and the soul and what was truly important." --Ronald Reagan
"People who complain about the frivolous lawsuits that have outraged some and ruined others financially need to connect the dots to the present Senate controversy over the confirmation of federal judges. The attempt to replace activist judges with judges who follow the written law affects not only the basic democratic right of the voters to govern themselves through their elected representatives, but also whether our legal system becomes a danger to ordinary citizens and a bonanza to lawyers who turn it into a legalized extortion racket. Once judges start disregarding the written law in favor of their own notions, ordinary citizens have no way of knowing in advance what decisions to expect from a given situation. We can read the written law but we cannot read judges' minds. ... The law as written may draw a sharp line between what is legal and what is illegal, but when that law is 'interpreted' by judicial activists, all kinds of new notions may be added. Certain things may be legal but only if they do not create an 'undue burden' or if they meet 'evolving standards.' ... Some people try to justify judicial activism by claiming that there have been issues on which the public was wrong and the judges were right. But nothing is easier than finding issues on which any given set of human beings have been wrong -- including judges. There are high stakes for everyone in the upcoming Senate battle over judicial nominees who are said to be 'out of the mainstream' because they don't support judicial activism. The mainstream of judicial activism is itself the real problem." --Thomas Sowell
"Congress never votes on the things we used to talk about when I got there -- like reining in entitlements or the balanced budget amendment or closing down Cabinet agencies such as the Department of Education. And under Republican control, for goodness sake! Whatever happened to getting rid of the National Endowment for the Arts? Medicare should have never been passed in the first place. And now Republicans compound the problem by enacting this prescription drug bill when the White House has no idea what it will ultimately cost. Choosing between Democrat and Republican bills on prescription drugs is like saying how do you want to shoot yourself -- with a silver bullet or a lead bullet?" --Former Rep. Mel Hancock
"The other day I found myself, for the umpteenth time, driving in Vermont behind a Kerry/Edwards supporter whose vehicle also bore the slogan 'FREE TIBET.' It must be great to be the guy with the printing contract for the 'FREE TIBET' stickers. Not so good to be the guy back in Tibet wondering when the freeing thereof will actually get under way. For a while, my otherwise not terribly political wife got extremely irritated by these stickers, demanding to know at a pancake breakfast at the local church what precisely some harmless hippy-dippy old neighbor of ours meant by the slogan he'd been proudly displaying decade in, decade out: 'But what exactly are you doing to free Tibet?' she demanded. 'You're not doing anything, are you?' 'Give the guy a break,' I said back home. 'He's advertising his moral virtue, not calling for action. If Rumsfeld were to say, 'Free Tibet? Jiminy, what a swell idea! The Third Infantry Division [will] go in on Thursday,' the bumper-sticker crowd would be aghast." --Mark Steyn
"The race for '08 has begun. Assuming Vice President Cheney doesn't declare his candidacy, 2006 will be, by my reckoning, the first time since 1952 (Dwight Eisenhower v. Adlai Stevenson) that there hasn't been a sitting President or Vice President on the ballot on either side. A poll by Quinnipiac College has Hillary Rodham Clinton Rodham running just behind both Rudy Giuliani (43-44) and John McCain (41-43). Headlines proclaimed Rodham Clinton Rodham 'competitive' against both Giuliani and McCain because she was a statistically insignificant distance behind. We can't help but wonder what the headlines would have been had she been a similarly insignificant amount ahead: 'HILLARY JUGGERNAUT!' or 'QUEEN OF THE HILL!' Or some such. Courage." --Rich Galen
"The long, twilight struggle against Islamo-fascism requires Civilization to deploy numerous weapons against this implacable foe. As usual, these will include intelligence, covert operations, and high-tech armaments. But another vital tool is language. How Americans and our allies speak and write about this conflict will influence when and how victory will come. We now face the most anti-Semitic enemy since Adolf Hitler and Josef Goebbels blew their brains out in Berlin in 1945. Militant Islam is the most bloodthirsty ideology since the Khmer Rouge exterminated one-third of Cambodia's people. The big difference, of course, is that Pol Pot had the good manners to keep his killing fields within his own borders, as awful as that was. Islamo-fascism, in contrast, is a worldwide phenomenon that already has touched this country and many of our allies. And yet Muslim extremists rarely have armies we can see, fighter jets we can knock from the sky, nor an easily identifiable headquarters, such as the Reich's Chancellery of the 1940s or the Kremlin of the Cold War." --Deroy Murdock
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"Thank you dear Patriots for your essay on CWO Aaron Weaver. I am the proud father of Spec E-4 Ron Allen (USA) killed near Ballad Iraq in August of '03. Ronnie would be proud of his brother Nathan, who is following Ron into the Army. Because of his brother's death, Nathan was offered a waiver that would exempt him from service in a combat zone, but has refused to sign it. I want to say thank you to all of our Armed Forces standing in harm's way serving our great nation of freemen. God Bless America! Semper Fi!" --Mitchell, Indiana
Editor's Reply: Nathan, Hooah! God bless you Patriot. Ron would, no doubt, be proud!
"A recent issue of The Patriot suggested that you had access to intelligence prior to the invasion of Iraq (as you noted at that time) which revealed that some of Saddam's WMD were moved, before the invasion, and likely hidden in Lebanon, in the Bekaah Valley region. I note that Assad has indicated that he will move Syrian troops to this area as a first stage of his promised withdrawal of all troops from Lebanon. Do you see some significance or connection in this action?"
Editor's Reply: Do ya think???
"I am one of The Patriot's avid supporters in the UK. I am trying to find answers to these questions and would appreciate your insights. 1. Why, as a British citizen who wishes to live and work in the U.S., is it extremely difficult to immigrate, even though I am educated to degree level and have a host of transferable skills? 2. Why am I excluded from joining the coastguard because of my service with Her Majesties Royal Marines Commandos (having of course, served in Iraq)? 3. Why are other nationalities taking employment that I as a British citizen would not be allowed to apply for? What can I do?" --London, UK
Editor's Reply: 1. Because you did not walk across our border with Mexico.... 2. Because you did not walk across our border with Mexico.... 3. Try walking across our border with Mexico...
"In all the discussion of the immigration issue, the one aspect that I have not seen bluntly assessed (for sure not in Washington) is what a failed and myopic leader Mexican President Vicente Fox is. In America, many are made rich and families are well fed by the energetic labor of Mexicans. An admirable Mexican government (which they are most assuredly not) would set about reforming the country so that that same energetic Mexican labor could create riches and feed families inside Mexico. Fox's government simply wants to avoid the issue, preserve the established power structure, and make sure they get a healthy cut, when Mexico's workforce auctions itself off to more efficient economies." --River Ridge, Louisianna
"Am I to assume that The Patriot subscribes to the Libertarian position that ALL drugs should be legalized?" --New Haven, Connecticut
Editor's Reply: Why would you assume that, because nothing in our commentary on drug enforcement in Patriot No. 05-08 would lead one to infer that we support drug legalization or use? We subscribe to the Constitutional position that, unless otherwise amended, regulation of drugs within the U.S. is the prerogative of the states.
"I'm one of the hundreds of thousands who signed the petition calling for investigation and indictment of John Kerry -- we want him held accountable for his actions regardless of this election outcome. He has gotten away with his treasonous actions for so very many years. I find it hard to believe that this man could be so vain to think he could run for the Presidency with his past; did he believe no one would remember? I ask that the Federalist Patriot pursue John Kerry relentlessly by every means. Keep something in mind: a military service record is the property of the United States Government; in other words, it's ours, and it should not be considered sacred, especially when it may be hiding crimes, including crimes by others who may have illegally altered Kerry's service record. Godspeed in your mission." --CDR, USNR
"I noted last week that the 'Good Ole Boys and Girls,' voted down the increase in the minimum wage because, 'It was not good for business.' But at the same time, they voted themselves a $29,000 raise. Whose business is that good for? Surely not mine." --Millen, Georgia
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"The only people liberals can find to put up a fight these days are ex-Klanners and other assorted nuts. There's former KKK 'Kleagle' and Democrat Sen. Bob Byrd, who compared the Republicans to Hitler last week. Byrd having been a charter member of a fascist organization himself, no one was sure if this was intended as a critique or a compliment. Aspiring first lady Teresa Heinz claims the election was stolen through the machinations of a vast conspiracy involving Republican polling machine manufacturers. We eagerly await a Michael Moore documentary to flesh out the details. ... Howard Dean -- chairman of the party that supports murder, adultery, lying about adultery, coveting other people's money, stealing other people's money, mass-producing human embryos for spare parts like an automotive chop shop and banning God -- has called the Republican Party 'evil.' ... Teddy Kennedy's big new idea is to wheel out his 18th proposal to raise the minimum wage. He's been doing this since wages were paid in Spanish doubloons. Kennedy refuses to countenance any risky schemes like trying to grow the economy so people making minimum wage get raises because they've been promoted. Kennedy's going down and he's taking the party with him! (Recognize the pattern?) I keep expecting the real Democrats to appear and drag these nuts out of the room, saying, Oh sorry, he's escaped again -- don't worry, he does this all the time...." --Ann Coulter
Lex et Libertas -- Semper Vigilo, Paratus, et Fidelis! Mark Alexander, Publisher, for the editors and staff. (Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm's way around the world in defense of our liberty, and for the families awaiting their safe return.)
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